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Mr. Tanen’s Tie Trouble Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Tanen’s Tie Trouble Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Tanen’s Tie Trouble Vocabulary
received fund staring disappointed account chuckled repeated budget knowledge meditating

2 to take or get something that is given; got
received recibió to take or get something that is given; got

3 a sum of money raised or saved for a special purpose
fund recaudación a sum of money raised or saved for a special purpose

4 looking hard with a steady gaze
staring observando looking hard with a steady gaze

5 filled with a sad feeling; to let down ones’ hopes or wishes
disappointed decepcionados filled with a sad feeling; to let down ones’ hopes or wishes

6 account cuenta a record of money received or spent; where people’s money is kept at the bank

7 repeated repitió to do or say again

8 a plan for how money will be used
budget presupuesto a plan for how money will be used

9 laughed gently or quietly
chuckled sonreir laughed gently or quietly

10 to focus all of your attention on something; concentrate
meditating meditando to focus all of your attention on something; concentrate

11 information or facts; what you know
knowledge conocimento information or facts; what you know

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