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UNIT 1 REVIEW Ancient Civilizations What is AD? ANNO Domini In the year of our lord Jesus Christ.

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2 UNIT 1 REVIEW Ancient Civilizations

3 What is AD? ANNO Domini In the year of our lord Jesus Christ

4 What is a hominid? Human like creature

5 Also known as the Paleolithic AGE Stone AGE

6 The 1st civilization developed in ? Sumer

7 What type of person moved around in search of food? Hunter -Gatherer

8 What is a city-state? Independent city that has its own rule

9 What are Hieroglyphics? Egyptian form of writing

10 Monotheism Belief in one God

11 Most civilization developed close to what natural resource? Rivers- for silt= farming

12 Who is famous for his 282 laws? Hammurabi- Eye for an EYE

13 Which religions believe in reincarnation? Hinduism & Buddhism

14 Polytheisms Belief in many gods

15 Who led the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt? Moses

16 What are the Phoenicians known for? Phonetic Alphabet B =Ba C= KA

17 Which religion has a Caste System? Hinduism

18 Which religion was spread by trade? Buddhism

19 Also know as the Neolithic Revolution Agricultural Revolution

20 This was used to decipher Hieroglyphics Rosetta Stone

21 Religion 600 BC that had a belief in two spiritual armies at war for men’s souls? Zoroaster

22 Laws given to Moses that can still be seen in modern justice systems 10 Commandments

23 how many years between 5000 BC and 75 AD 5075

24 Who Discovered Lucy? Johansen

25 Why do we know so little about the Indus River valley civilization? It was only around for few 100 years Mysteriously ended

26 Which powerfully built modern human survived the ICE Age? Neanderthal

27 Which Empire had an advanced army with ladders @ pontoon bridges? ASSYRIANS

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