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Presentation on theme: "LICENSED CHILD CARE CENTERS IN SAN DIEGO By: Christine Tung."— Presentation transcript:


2 Policy Questions  Is San Diego lacking licensed child care?  Are single working mothers or fathers more affected by a lack of licensed child care?  Are there certain community planning areas in greater need of licensed child care than others?  Note: child care refers to preschools, thus demographics for children under the age 6 were used


4 Policy Question Is San Diego lacking licensed child care?

5  Sections of East and North San Diego where there are no licensed child care within one mile  Tracts without childcare have less than 17% of their population under the age of 6

6  Most tracts without child care do not have children under the age of 6  Interestingly there are child care centers in tracts without children under the age of 6  Majority of tracts have less than 1/3 not served

7  Child care is necessary for working parents  A majority of tracts have 67%- 98% of single working parent households that are not accommodated by licensed child care

8  Hot spot analysis takes into account the number of children under 6 per tract, number of working households, and the capacity of child care in each tract  Hot spots less concentrated on Western portions of San Diego  Hot spots concentrated in Northeastern and Southeastern San Diego

9  Greatest concentration of need in Southeastern tracts

10 Policy Question Are single working mothers or fathers more affected by a lack of licensed child care?

11  14 tracts with the majority single working father households  12 tracts with the majority single working mother households  All single working mother tracts have child care, while 8 of the single father tracts, over 50% of them, have no child care

12 Policy Question Are there certain community planning areas in greater need of licensed child care than others?

13  San Diego city is divided into community planning areas (CPA)  Hot spot concentration within the Mid City community planning areas of City Heights and Eastern Area

14 Distance of child care to center of CPA  Majority of sites about one mile from the center of the community planning area  Eastern Area there is a 2.11 mile gap between child care Graph distance in feet 1 mile = 5280 feet 2.11 Miles

15 Summary  Overall, San Diego City is lacking in child care.  There is not enough licensed child care to serve all working households in San Diego City.  Within concentrated areas in need of child care, a a majority of single working father census tracts have no child care.  City Heights and Eastern Area are in greatest need of licensed child care.

16 Policy Recommendation  New licensed child care centers should be targeted to City Heights and Eastern Area.  Centers should be located within census tracts that are a majority male headed single working parent households to alleviate their lack of child care.

17 Metadata

18 Model- Feature to Raster

19 Skills Used  Layout1: Licensed Childcare Centers in San Diego  insert map  boundary sub-set selections: created San Diego census tracts from county tracts (selected tracts in San Diego City layer and created new layer)  geoprocessing: clipped census tracts to San Diego city; clipped licensed childcare centers to San Diego; dissolved freeway layer so northbound and southbound labels beame one for each freeway.  Metadata: created meta data for shapefile with licensed child care and census tracts  Layout 2: One Mile Service Area of Licensed Child Care in San Diego  insert map  Measure/Analysis: buffer: one mile buffer radius around child care  geoprocessing: clipped buffer to coast and San Diego  Layout 3: Capacity of Licensed Child Care in San Diego  insert map  graduated symbol: capacity of child care  aggregated attribute fields: created capacity of childcare centers within census tract by adding capacity of each center, created percent of children unserved (queried: 1-capacity/totalunder6)  Layout 4: Single Working Parents Unserved by Licensed Child Care in San Diego  insert map  3D model: extrusion (%unservedx2500), base heights 300  Layout 5: Licensed Child Care Needs in San Diego  insert map  hotspot: feature to raster (no. under 6, no. workers, capacity), reclassed rasters,raster calculator added all three  modeling: used model to do hot spot analysis  Layout 6: Concentrated Need for Licensed Child Care in San Diego  insert map  attribute sub-sets selection: created concentrated hotspot layer, created layer not hotspot  Layout 7:Single Working Parent Households in San Diego  insert map  aggregated attribute fields: created majority male/female by finding percent male and percent female, represented percent female on map and everything under 50% labeled and colored as percent male  Layout 8:  insert map  Original Data: created satellite imagery of San Diego shape file through clipping imagery to San Diego County  Seven layers: San Diego County, San Diego County census tracts, San Diego City, San Diego City census tracts, San Diego community planning areas, highways, hotspot, area of concentration SOURCES  SANGIS, SANDAG, AmericanFactfinder SF3, TIGER, MRSmaps


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