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The future of the EU budget Panel 2: Own resources Stefan Lehner Director, European Commission, Directorate-General for Budget Budapest Conference, 30.

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Presentation on theme: "The future of the EU budget Panel 2: Own resources Stefan Lehner Director, European Commission, Directorate-General for Budget Budapest Conference, 30."— Presentation transcript:

1 The future of the EU budget Panel 2: Own resources Stefan Lehner Director, European Commission, Directorate-General for Budget Budapest Conference, 30 May 2008

2 Heads of Representation, Lisbon 12 June 2007 The mandate for a review of the EU budget includes resources and corrections „In accordance with the conclusions of the European Council, the Commission has been invited to undertake a full, wide-ranging review covering all aspects of EU spending, including the Common Agricultural Policy, and of resources, including the United Kingdom rebate, and to report in 2008/2009.“ (Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, 17.5.2006)

3 Heads of Representation, Lisbon 12 June 2007 Significant shift in EU budget funding The EU budget is increasingly based on the GNI contribution, from 11% of the total in 1988 to 74% in 2013.

4 Heads of Representation, Lisbon 12 June 2007 Concerns about “fairness” led to numerous budgetary «corrections»  UK correction – 66% of the difference between contributions and its receipts  Lump sum payments to the Netherlands and Sweden  Reduced VAT rates and reduced UK correction payments for the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Austria  Retention of 25% of traditional own resources for all Member States collecting them

5 Heads of Representation, Lisbon 12 June 2007 Key questions for the reform of the EU Own Resources  Should a new EU Own Resource be proposed and what would be the most important justification ?  Could a new EU Own Resource be an integral part of EU policies to address future challenges, e.g. climate change ?  Should corrections disappear or be generalized ?

6 The future of the EU budget Panel 2: Own resources Stefan Lehner Director, European Commission, Directorate-General for Budget Budapest Conference, 30 May 2008

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