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Together for a better World! The impact of enlargement on development cooperation Hungarian Interchurch Aid Laszlo Lehel director of HIA.

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Presentation on theme: "Together for a better World! The impact of enlargement on development cooperation Hungarian Interchurch Aid Laszlo Lehel director of HIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Together for a better World! The impact of enlargement on development cooperation Hungarian Interchurch Aid Laszlo Lehel director of HIA

2 Together for a better World! Within the NGOs In co-operation with the MFA EU Access Public awareness

3 Together for a better World! Achievements NGO sector has developed – networking, platforms Bigger attention to development issues Better communication NGOs have realized that lobby work is of great importance Within the NGOs

4 Together for a better World! Difficulties Difficulties with finding own contributions to applications Virtuality ↔ professionalism Instead of headline stories, expertise is needed Financing problems More active fundraising activity is necessary No financial resources are available for training NGO staff for EU work Clear strategy Within the NGOs

5 Together for a better World! Achievements The structure for development co-operation is established The process of a dialogue between MFA and NGDO platform has been started Common understanding of development work is strengthened In co-operation with the MFA

6 Together for a better World! Achievements The first experiences of common work are reached Realized projects Selected geographical areas, country strategies In co-operation with the MFA

7 Together for a better World! Difficulties Legal background (financial regulation, law) is not formulated for humanitarian and development work Technical difficulties - No overheads can be accounted - No salaries can be paid to own staff - No equipment can be purchased, etc. In co-operation with the MFA

8 Together for a better World! Difficulties Fluctuation is big among MFA staff, no good working relation is possible to establish Lack of independent institution Danger! media events ↔ expertism in implementation Clear country strategy In co-operation with the MFA

9 Together for a better World! Achievements NGOs co-operate with ECHO (not only FPA!) and EuropeAid Presidency Fund – a good example for facilitating EU access, gap filling Networking EU Access

10 Together for a better World! Difficulties Larger organizations preferred by EU Capacities not up to the standars → not real partnership EU Access

11 Together for a better World! Cooperation Better communicate Work in a transparent way Use professional standards Work with media Do fundraising Public awareness

12 Together for a better World! Example Public awareness

13 Together for a better World!

14 New style of campaigns Media staff – training Dialogue

15 Together for a better World! Lessons learnt New dimension positive, negative examples Geographic areas → Millennium Development Goals Wider cooperation NGO sector ≠ state administration → need for independent regulations

16 Together for a better World! Thank you for your attention!

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