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March 2nd, 2008 Meeting 1. President~John Tu This is the beginning of the rest of your life Welcome LIPTON class!!

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Presentation on theme: "March 2nd, 2008 Meeting 1. President~John Tu This is the beginning of the rest of your life Welcome LIPTON class!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 March 2nd, 2008 Meeting 1

2 President~John Tu This is the beginning of the rest of your life Welcome LIPTON class!!

3 Service Vps~Rachel & Vanessa How to Chair a Service Project FLEET FEET!!!  Sign up!!! NOW! IC Service Project???

4 Membership~Jason & Jon CAW hours  (Coho/Academic/ Workout) ‏ Athletic Chairs  Ben Pham and Sang Duong Spirit Chairs  Ting Li and Rosalind Lynn

5 Fellowship VP~Qui & Becky Active vs Pledge Week! (AVP) ‏  Monday: Eating Contest  Tuesday: Get Naked  Wednesday: Ultimate Frisbee  Thursday: Capture the Flag  Friday: Cook off Interest sheet going around for judges *Bring your binder, fellowships are a great time to interview as well :) ‏ **Remember to sign in at each event to get fellowship credit.

6 Pledge Parents~Angela & Kimball Welcome LIPTON class! Thank you actives!  Rush week  Tabling

7 RUSH WEEK!! Monday - Info Night (We need food please) ‏ Tuesday - Ice Cream @ downtown Wednesday- Lampost Pizza Thursday- Info Night 2 / Service Friday - Initiation Excomm at Info Night Pick up Rush T-shirts LB Reqs. Tabling? Talk to PR. Pledge Requirements - Vote in Today

8 Treasurer~Ying & Ashley Requirement: get fundraising credit (part of your requirement and gets both our signatures) ‏ Fundcomm: meets in COHO on Wed from 12:15pm-12:45pm Active Dues: $32  Starting march 11th at 12:00am it will be $35 Pledges that need to see treasurers:  Eric Chan  Reiko Lewis  Dennis Nguyen  James Wong  Emily Ngo  Ashley Pyon  Eric Moy  Jeffrey Noma  Nika Liang

9 RecSec~Ray & Cindy Sign in sheet Leaving early?  Do not do it (or talk to pledge parents, not us!) ‏ Coming late?  Do not sign in after meeting is over  If late, quietly find the sign in sheet

10 CorrSec~Alex & Dong Sectionals – Good job to all those who went Gamma Beta 911 Challenge – Tuesday, March 4th @ 6:30pm  Location: University Chicken Kappa Sigma Art Walk – Saturday, March 8 th @ 6:30pm  Location: Mid-Sacramento on L Street Kappa Sigma Broom Hockey – Sunday, March 9 th @ 9:00pm  Location: Parking Structure II

11 Webmaster~ Isaac DotComm meeting Monday 1-2 pm Coho 2 Welcome pledges! Please sign into the website at by clicking on "forgot password" at the bottom and putting in your email address.

12 PressSecs~Christina & Mika Sexy Tabling Sexy Buttons Super Sexy PR STAR!

13 Alumni Sec~Tim & Izzy WELCOME LIPTON PLEDGES!!!!!

14 Historians~Kat & Steven Histocomm: interest sheet People w/o mugshots... Take pics @ service & fellowships!, don't be shy Slideshow - here we go

15 Advisors~Vince, Drew, Elyson, Joe, Eric, Rob, Minh, Jimmy & Gina

16 SAA~Gurbir, Andrew, Justin Rules : 1)No sleeping 2)No side-talking 3)No distracting electronics (cell phone, laptop, mp3-player) ‏ 4)No walking around without permission Announcements New business

17 The End

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