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HEALTH AND SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE Lesson objective: To be able to describe the background of Health and Safety in the workplace.

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Presentation on theme: "HEALTH AND SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE Lesson objective: To be able to describe the background of Health and Safety in the workplace."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEALTH AND SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE Lesson objective: To be able to describe the background of Health and Safety in the workplace

2 Starter Unscramble the following words EHTLAH DNA TAFYSA KIRS KROW CEXIEPERNE

3 Answers to Starter Health and Safety Risk Work experience

4 What is meant by… What is meant by health and safety in the workplace? Give me some examples

5 What’s wrong in these pictures?




9 Health and Safety There are laws about health and safety in the workplace which are required to protect employees from being injured or becoming ill due to hazards in their place of work This also applies to Young People on Work Experience

10 Facts Each year… Over 200 people lose their lives at work in Britain Around 150,000 non fatal accidents are reported An estimated 2 million people suffer ill health caused or made worse by work

11 The law relating to young people in the workplace Employers who offer young people work experience placements have the same responsibilities for their health and safety and welfare as they have for all of their employees The health and safety law states that an employer must assess the risks to young people - under 18 years old, before they start work experience and that they must then tell the young person what the risks are This will all be on your application forms when you apply for a placement, so read it carefully

12 The law Young people under 18 years of age must not be allowed to carry out work which; Cannot be adapted to meet any physical or mental limitations they may have Will expose them to toxic substances or cancer causing substances Will expose them to radiation Will involve extreme levels of heal, noise or vibration

13 Why is H&S important? Open the Health and Safety worksheet on Moodle; Year 10 WorkSkills, Unit 26, Resources; Health & Safety Case Studies For each case study given you need to explain what is wrong, what health and safety rules have been broken and how could the accident could have been avoided.

14 Health and safety quiz You are going to be given 2 quizzes from your teacher 1 on Health & Safety in the workplace and 1 on Responsibilities in the workplace Go through and tick the answer that you think is correct – do this independently without talking to others in the room We will go through the answers in a moment

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