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History- Central America 1. Crossroads and cultural hearth for Maya civilization.

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2 History- Central America 1. Crossroads and cultural hearth for Maya civilization

3 2. Spanish took control after conquering Aztecs in Mexico and ruled until 1823 when Central America declared independence from Mexico and became the United Provinces of Central America 3. 1830s it split into separate nations

4 History- the Caribbean 1. Many Europeans colonized the Caribbean. The first was Christopher Columbus in 1492, in the name of Spain he established sugar plantations. 2. Tainos (natives) were forced to work until they died from disease and mistreatment. Then European slave traders brought Africans by force to work.

5 3. A slave revolt in Haiti against France was the first independence movement in Latin America. They achieved independence in 1804. 4. Cuba achieved independence from Spain in 1898 as a result of the Spanish American War.

6 Cultural Blend 1. Native American and Spanish influence in Central America. 2. Spanish, French, British, Danish, Dutch, African, and Native American influences in the Caribbean.

7 Economy 1. Huge gap between rich and poor 2. Tourism is a growing industry that provides many jobs for locals

8 3. Farming is a major source of income, sugar plantations is a the largest export crop in the Caribbean 4. The Panama Canal helps increase exchange between both hemispheres because it connects the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans

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