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Share-My-Toys Membership Lindsay McDonald. Success Metrics  Sell 200 memberships per year.  Maintain high customer satisfaction.  Develop indirect.

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Presentation on theme: "Share-My-Toys Membership Lindsay McDonald. Success Metrics  Sell 200 memberships per year.  Maintain high customer satisfaction.  Develop indirect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Share-My-Toys Membership Lindsay McDonald

2 Success Metrics  Sell 200 memberships per year.  Maintain high customer satisfaction.  Develop indirect earnings.  Interest on membership monthly payment program.  Sales of used  Out-of-date equipment.

3 Market Summary  Maximum memberships: 800  Current memberships: 218  Current members live in:  Preston, ID  Logan, UT  Afton, WY

4 Product Definition  Membership in Share-My-Toys provides the following services:  Unlimited use of equipment  Free service, maintenance, and replacement of equipment.  Membership lasts for three years.

5 Competition  Retail recreational equipment stores.  Recreational equipment rental companies.

6 Overcoming Disadvantages  Institute low-interest monthly payment program.  Open distribution centers in more cities.

7 Advertising  Local radio.  Local TV.  Local newspapers.  Advertisement mailers.

8 Public Relations  Hold public ATV and dirt-bike safety courses.  Participate in local outdoorsman radio talk shows.

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