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Essential Question: How does the position of the Earth in the solar system affect conditions on our planet? Power Standard: Most objects in the solar system.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question: How does the position of the Earth in the solar system affect conditions on our planet? Power Standard: Most objects in the solar system."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question: How does the position of the Earth in the solar system affect conditions on our planet? Power Standard: Most objects in the solar system are in a regular and predictable motion. Indicator: The positions of the Earth and the moon relative to the sun explain the cycles of day and night and the monthly moon phases.

2  Note: Any medium may be used to present the information!!!!  One: ◦ Name of presenter ◦ Date ◦ Title of project  Two: ◦ Origin of the astronomical topic is clearly stated (How did it begin? Where did it come from?)  Three: ◦ Name of the person who discovered the astronomical topic ◦ When was it discovered? (time)  Four: ◦ Astronomical Importance (How does this topic affect other parts of space?

3  Five: ◦ At least three physical characteristics are included  Size  Shape  Any Qualitative or Quantitative observations ◦ An illustration with clearly marked physical traits (these support the characteristics you’ve recorded)  Six: ◦ At least six interesting facts are presented ◦ At least three color illustrations are included

4  Seven ◦ Summary Slide  The most important information is reviewed  Two to three sentences are included  Due Date:____________________

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