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LOGIN PAGE Login Page Support CRM:

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Presentation on theme: "LOGIN PAGE Login Page Support CRM:"— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGIN PAGE Login Page Support CRM:

2 ANNOUNCEMENT PAGE The first page shows up after logging in. Please read important announcements.

3 CREATING A CASE 1.Click on Call Support 2.Input the telephone number of the customer. Format : Country Code + Area Code + Telephone Number 3. Click on the Search Button.

4 NEW CUSTOMER 1.If the telephone number cannot be found, this page shows up. 2.Click on the Add New Customer and Create Case

5 CUSTOMER DETAILS 1.Input the Customer details. 2.Those with the red colored field are required fields. 3.Input the email address 4.Input the Product

6 1.Choose the Product in the drop down list. 2.Click on the Articles link on the right side to access the FAQ and other information related to the product.

7 Once you have chosen the FAQ, and it is the correct answer, click on the Use Answer to paste the answer to the solutions field The right side shows the Top 10 Solution For that product. Choose the FAQ that Is related.

8 SEND RESOURCE EMAIL Send resource email is sending an email to the customer during troubleshooting. Click Send to send the FAQ to the customer.

9 Agent can also send attachment by email using the Attachment option. Choose the file and click Send. Agent can also send a URL link by email using the URL option. Type the URL and Send.

10 Case Details 1.Problem Description 2. Solution 3. The Resolution Statement is a summary of the solution. 4. Support Status. Click on the Save Button to save the Case.

11 If customer has already record, this window will show up. Click on the name or the View link.

12 If customer already has a case, it will show up. You can either edit case or create a new case if required. You can also add or edit the products of that customer.

13 Adding customer’s product Here you can add the product from the dropdown list and input other Information about the product.

14 Edit Customer’s Product Here you can change the information of the customer’s product.

15 Left side of the Home page shows the Call Queue and Email Queue.

16 Call Queues shows the cases in queue

17 Click on the Associate Customer

18 Click on the Create New Customer

19 Input the details of this customer

20 Reports Go to the Reports tab. Choose what report you want

21 Choose the start and end date. Click start Report

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