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My ELC work RM by Unit 1 Health & safety Resistant Materials.

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Presentation on theme: "My ELC work RM by Unit 1 Health & safety Resistant Materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 My ELC work RM by Unit 1 Health & safety Resistant Materials

2 Check list Unit 1 RM making a key ring 1. Take part in a discussion about H & S issues in the work area 2. Identify four areas of hazard on a given diagram 3. Suggest a solution to the hazards 4. Identify four areas of hazard before making biscuits 5. Work safely while making a soft toy 6. Complete the soft toy 7. Draw up a set of four safety rules for the RM Technology area 8. Design a poster to illustrate one of these rules 9. Take part in an H & S simulation exercise 10. Write about the procedure for one H & S related incident.

3 Health and Safety, we have talked about health and safety in the RM room. Write down one sentence about what you said I think that ….. Outcome 1

4 Outcome 2 1. 2. 3.

5 How can I make sure that I am safe when I work in the RM room? I can? 1. 2. 3. 4. Did I work safely when I made my key ring, what did I do? Checklist three & four

6 This is a photo of my Made Key Ring. It is made from I like the I found that the I am please with the outcome because Outcome 5-6

7 My four safety rules are 1. 2. 3. 4. Outcome 7

8 This is my Health and Safety Poster for a Key Ring Outcome 8 1. Always listen carefully to the teacher and follow instructions. 2. Do not run in the workshop, you could ‘bump’ into another pupil and cause an accident. 3. Know where the emergency stop buttons are positioned in the workshop. If you see an accident at the other side of the workshop you can use the emergency stop button to turn off all electrical power to machines.

9 When I carried out my health and safety simulation this is what I did? Write about the procedure for one H & S related incident. The fire drill at our school – 1.If the alarm goes off stop what you are doing 2.Go the door and straight outside 3.Walk to the tennis courts 4.Go to your form line 5.Get your name read of the register 6.Wait until they say you can go back in Outcome 9-10

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