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World Cornea Congress VII - April 15-17, 2015 Electronic Poster

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1 Evaluation of a New Technique to Increase Usage of Donor Descemet’s Membrane for DMEK
World Cornea Congress VII - April 15-17, 2015 Electronic Poster Javiera M. Compan, MD; Esteban Santiago, MD; Ronan Conlon, MD; Kashif Baig, MD, MBA, FRCSC University of Ottawa Eye Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

2 Financial Disclosures
Drs. Compan, Santiago, and Conlon have no financial relationships to disclose. Dr. Baig has the following relationships: Financial Interest/ Affiliation Name of Company(s) Grant/Research Support Allergan, Bausch & Lomb, Merck, Moria Employment/Honoraria/Consulting Fees/Travel Expenses Alcon, Allergan, Bausch & Lomb, Labtician Major Stock Shareholder None Member: Advisory Panel, Standing Committee, Board of Directors Allergan, Bausch & Lomb Other Financial or Material Interest

3 Introduction Donor corneal tissue is a limited resource which may affect wait times. The migratory movement of donor endothelial cells play an important role following DMEK surgery. Conventional use of corneal tissue: One donor per procedure Split corneal tissue: Hemi-Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty transplantation: a potential method for increasing the pool of endothelial graft tissue. Lam FC, Baydoun L, Dirisamer M, Lie J, Dapena I, Melles GR. JAMA Ophthalmol Dec;132(12): Current Approaches to Combat the Shortage of Corneal Tissues: Split-DMEK and Double-Split Keratoplasty. Yoeruek E1,Bartz Schmidt K. Cornea Mar;34(3):e6-9.

4 Methods Retrospective chart review Inclusion criteria Technique
Pseudophakic patients with endothelial dysfunction undergoing DMEK Technique A trephine/SCUBA technique was first used to harvest the DMEK graft Each graft was then split in two (2 different shapes were used) The two halves were used in two different patients undergoing DMEK Tissue preparation and operative use occurred on the same day Tissue preparation challenges, intraoperative complications, and visual recovery were assessed

5 Tissue preparation Two almond-shaped grafts
Two hemi-circle shaped grafts Original shape

6 Results 4 corneoscleral rims were used to prepare tissue for 8 DMEK procedures. Demographics Mean age: 76 (range 69-83) Gender: 6 females, 2 males Preoperative diagnoses: 7 - Fuchs Dystrophy 1 - Pseudophakic Bullous Keratopathy (PBK) 1 - Descemet’s membrane detachment (DMD) during cataract surgery Previous Surgeries: 1 – Ahmed valve 1 - Failed DSAEK (DMD patient)

7 Vitreous loss in one patient
Surgical Experience Almond Shape Hemicircle Area (mm2) 40 49 Mean donor age (years) 58 68 Peeling difficulty + ++ Intraoperative complications Vitreous loss in one patient Small fold in graft

8 Results Almond Shape Semi-Circle Number of patients 2 6
Mean patients age (years) 69 78 Pre-operative diagnosis Fuchs dystrophy (2) Fuchs dystrophy (4) PBK (1) DMD (1) Post-operative complications Graft detachment (2) Primary graft failure (1) % of post-operative grafts attached 0% 100% Success rate 83% (5 patients) Failure rate 17% (1 patient)

9 Results 4 donor tissues were used in 8 DMEK procedures
2 almond shape grafts had complete detachments 2 days after surgery and DMEK was repeated using conventional circular donor tissue 6 semi-circle shape grafts attached in post operative period 5 grafts were clear between one and six months follow-up 1 graft suffered primary failure (DMD patient) and DMEK was repeated conventional circular donor tissue At 6-month follow-up, mean best corrected spectacle distance visual acuity improved from Patient #2 one week post surgery Patient #2 one month post surgery

10 Post-operative visual acuity in successful patients
Preop 1 day 1 week 1 month 2 months 4 months Patient 1 20/40 20/150 20/50 20/30 20/30+2 Patient 2 20/70 20/60 20/20 - Patient 3 Patient 4 20/250 Patient 5 20/100 20/80

11 Conclusions A single donor corneal graft can be used for two DMEK procedures, and is a promising strategy to improve the efficiency of corneal transplantation. This technique of splitting DMEK could diminish further use of donor tissue. In this study, all saved donor tissues were used for other patients Different factors may play a role in the functioning of the graft. Success of Hemi-DMEK depends on graft quality, donor-recipient integration, surgeon ability for a Descemet stripping and splitting performed without incident and intraoperative graft manipulation among others. Grafts with sharp edges are apparently more instable and tend to detach. Five of six hemi-circle shaped grafts remain attached and clear at the end of this chart review, all of them with a visual acuity improvement trend. A larger number of patients and a long term follow-up is necessary to compare DMEK versus hemi-DMEK in terms of procedure success and safety.

12 Cornea, Anterior Segment, and Refractive Surgery Team at the University of Ottawa Eye Institute
Attendings Kashif Baig, MD, MBA Bruce Jackson, MD George Mintsioulis, MD Setareh Ziai, MD Clinical Fellows Samer Abuswider, MD ( ) Setareh Ziai, MD ( ) Abdulmajeed Aljaethen, MD ( ) Season Yeung, MD ( ) Joshua Teichman, MD, MPH ( ) Javiera Compan ( ) Esteban Santiago ( ) Research Fellows Mustafa Kapasi, MD ( ) Salina Teja, MD ( ) Ronan Conlon, MD ( ) Technologists Sabrina Taylor, COMT Emily Wong, COMT Research Melanie Lalonde, PhD Gail Kayuk, BSc, ART Annelise Saunders, LLB

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