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+ Proposal of a Solution College Composition II Frederick.

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1 + Proposal of a Solution College Composition II Frederick

2 + Choosing a Topic Your topic must have exigency—that it, it must be a problem that currently exists and is not currently being solved Your topic must have a specific audience in mind—that is, whomever you propose to must actually be able to contribute to the solution Your topic must be addressable to solvable in a real way

3 + Not Strong Topics Smoking Eating Fast Food Global Warming Seatbelts Texting/Drinking and Driving Underage Drinking Media and Body Image Photo Shopping Media Violence in Media Childhood Obesity Childhood/foreign hunger/poverty Teen Pregnancy

4 + Basic Proposal Structure B - SHOULD A - WHO C – BECAUSE should outlaw the use of live animals in circuses The United States Congress because of the extensive documented abuse and neglect of these animals.

5 + Two Basic Proposal Purposes Proposals of Policies The United States Congress should pass a law banning the use of live animals in circuses because of the extensive documented neglect and abuse of these animals. United States circuses should adopt a policy of not using live animals in their performances because of the documented neglect and abuse of these animals.

6 + Two Basic Proposal Purposes Proposals of Practices United States circuses should cease to use live animals in their performances because of the documented neglect and abuse of these animals. PETA should actively investigate United States circuses for neglect and abuse of live animals to reinforce the documentations of the neglect and abuse of these animals. Patrons of circuses should not support circuses that use live animals in their performances because of the documented neglect and abuse of these animals.

7 + Proposals have 3 main features: They call for action or response, often in response to a problem. Because of the extensive documented animal abuse, patrons of circuses should cease to support… They focus on the future. Any future circuses and help prevent future animal abuse. They center on the audience. My audience for my argument: People who buy tickets to circuses. I wouldn’t write to the audience only. I’m not trying to convince Congress. I’m not trying to convince the circuses. My argument is solely directed at the audience who might patron circuses.

8 + Part 1: Defining the Problem 1. Paint a picture of the need or problem in concrete and memorable ways. 2. Show how the need or problem affects the audience for the argument as well as the larger society. 3. Explain why the need or problem is significant—the extent of the problem. 4. Explain why other attempts to address the issue may have failed.

9 + Problem/Solution in Action development/2013/jun/08/eight-ways-solve-world-hunger development/2013/jun/08/eight-ways-solve-world-hunger systems systems

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