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SE for Economic Democracy & Sustainability Presentation at the FSSI Learning Session 7 August Dolcelatte Cafe, Quezon City Isagani R. Serrano President,

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Presentation on theme: "SE for Economic Democracy & Sustainability Presentation at the FSSI Learning Session 7 August Dolcelatte Cafe, Quezon City Isagani R. Serrano President,"— Presentation transcript:

1 SE for Economic Democracy & Sustainability Presentation at the FSSI Learning Session 7 August 2014 @ Dolcelatte Cafe, Quezon City Isagani R. Serrano President, PRRM 2/23/20161ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

2 Core messages Markets are not the place to resolve inequality or pollution. SEs are an antidote to corporate monopoly that discounts the environment and labor. SEs need government to have a fighting chance. 2/23/2016ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session2

3 If democracy were just about majority… Total PH Enterprises--777,687 Of these: >only 0.4 % = 3,023 BIG >99.60 % = 774,664 MSMEs (overwhelmingly micro, 91.6%) Source: NSO, 2010 2/23/20163ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

4 MSMEs in the PH 2/23/20164ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

5 MSME’s by industry 2/23/20165ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

6 A curious thought Why would an economy, controlled by so few and regularly shocked by global crises, still remain standing? Maybe, it’s being fed and ‘suckered’ by a broad base of micro, small, & medium enterprises. 2/23/20166ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

7 The SE Bill asks Government to be an ‘equalizer’ thru policy & resource support to help ‘transform’ our economy Placing the poor & poverty at the center: inclusion & participation A partnership platform: ‘PPP of sorts’ 2/23/20167ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

8 SE as Post2015 agenda SDGs 2015 and beyond: zero absolute poverty, more equality/fairness in our fragile world Outstanding issues: Continuous economic growth with high poverty and rising inequality, violence & social conflicts, breached ecological limits 2/23/20168ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

9 SE as Post2015 agenda SE = poor as entrepreneur + environmental sustainability 2/23/20169ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

10 SE as Post2015 agenda Focus on the poor An equalizer: empowering, redistributive, transformative Environment –enhancing resilience of ecosystems and our natural lifelines 2/23/201610ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

11 Agenda2015: A new global cooperation for eradicating poverty and transforming economies through sustainable development Five Transformative Shifts: 1.Leave no one behind. 2.Put sustainable development at the core. 3.Transform economies for jobs and inclusive growth. 4.Build peace and effective, open and accountable institutions for all. 5.Forge a new global partnership. 2/23/201611ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

12 Meeting ASEAN 2015 1. Mobility of goods & services (& labor) 2. Concentration of wealth & income in cities 3. Intensive extraction & poverty in the rural 4. Carbon footprint: lengthening not shortening the trade mile 5. Malthusian scenario: survival of the fittest traders 2/23/201612ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

13 Development as usual 2/23/201613ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

14 Development as usual 2/23/201614ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

15 Development as usual 2/23/201615ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

16 PH development dillema Economic growth that includes some and leaves behind so many Reducing poverty on one end, reproducing it on the other Cycle goes on and on…. 2/23/201616ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

17 PH development dillema High growth, ‘trickling up’ more than ‘trickling down’. Failing to achieve even only a minimalist MDG agenda 2/23/201617ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

18 PH development dillema PH development is development of the city. City is ‘prosperity’. Rural is poverty, rural is cheap. RD is extracting the rural for the city (or for the city rich & middle class). 2/23/201618ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

19 PH development dillema PH development is enriching the city and beggaring the countryside. NCR, R3, R4a---regions concentrating so much of the wealth & income of the nation 2/23/201619ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

20 What’s the way out? One has to be genuinely ‘crazy’ to find a revolutionary solution to our problem. 2/23/2016ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session20

21 SE as ‘game changer’? Why not? SE, by definition, is an equalizer, for the poor and for the environment. 2/23/201621ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

22 Thank you. 2/23/201622ganiserrano prrm fssi learning session

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