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LaWyErS* FrAnKiE CaRrIlLo. JoB DeScRiPtIoN”/ Lawyers are really appreciated and needed now days. In order to be a lawyer you have a high education and.

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Presentation on theme: "LaWyErS* FrAnKiE CaRrIlLo. JoB DeScRiPtIoN”/ Lawyers are really appreciated and needed now days. In order to be a lawyer you have a high education and."— Presentation transcript:

1 LaWyErS* FrAnKiE CaRrIlLo

2 JoB DeScRiPtIoN”/ Lawyers are really appreciated and needed now days. In order to be a lawyer you have a high education and go to college for at least four years. After the four years in college they must attend a mentoring program. To be a lawyer is to be someone that helps other people and does their best to make sure they are safe and don’t get prosecuted for crimes they did not commit.

3 EdUcAtIoN AnD TrAiNiNg(: Becoming a lawyer usually takes 7 years of full-time studying after high-school 4 years of undergraduate study, followed by 3 years of law school. They must have a bachelor degree I order to qualify for law school.

4 SaLaRy(: All graduates earn $68,500 Private Practices earn $108,500 Business owners earn $69,100 Government $50,000 Academic judicial clerkships earn $48,000

5 JoB OuTlOoK Employment lawyers is expected to grow 13 percent during the 2008-2018 decade. As fast as the other occupations.

6 ReLaTeD OcCuPaTiOnS Law Clerks Paralegal and legal assistance The examiners abstracters and searchers Judges Magistrates And other judicial workers

7 WoRk CiTeD ngs

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