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Country Presentation Need to know: Place History Population Claim to Fame Industry Foods Uniqueness Climate Folklore Music Dress Language Famous People.

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Presentation on theme: "Country Presentation Need to know: Place History Population Claim to Fame Industry Foods Uniqueness Climate Folklore Music Dress Language Famous People."— Presentation transcript:

1 Country Presentation Need to know: Place History Population Claim to Fame Industry Foods Uniqueness Climate Folklore Music Dress Language Famous People

2 Destination Geography Standard 1 Objective 2 Part 1

3 Travel and Tourism Questions Where is it? What does the destination look like? How does it relate to other destinations?

4 Travel Questions cont. When is the best time to go? What are the local customs? How do I find information? What’s happening?


6 Place Names Describe Geographic Features Historical Events An event in the background of the Original Inhabitants

7 Basic Tools MAP MAP Geographer’s traditional and most valued tool.ATLAS An atlas is a collection of flat maps bound together for ease of use.

8 What is on a Map? TODALSIGS Title Orientation Date Author Legend Scale Index Grid Surrounding Places

9 Who designs a map? A CARTOGRAPHER is a MAPMAKER

10 Egocentrism Putting one’s own country in the center of a map!


12 GPS Global Positioning System (GPS) uses radio signals broadcast by satellites to know where you are. It was developed for the military.

13 What Does the Destination Look Like?

14 H2O - Water 70% of the earth’s surface is water. Oceans in size order: Pacific Atlantic Indian Artic

15 Waterfalls Waterfalls attract millions of people each year. Some of the most popular are: Angel Falls – Venezuela Niagara Falls – Canada/U.SNiagara Falls – Canada/U.S. Waterfalls in: Yosemite National Park Yellowstone National Park

16 Islands The five types of Islands: Barrier Islands Continental Islands Coral Islands Tectonically formed Islands Volcanic Islands Ometepe Island, Lake Nicaragua

17 Deserts Deserts cover 1/5 of the earth The largest desert in the world is The Sahara

18 Desert Breath Desert Breath link for more pictures

19 How does it relate to other destinations?

20 Tools of Measurement The United States uses the English system of measurement. The rest of the world uses the metric system.

21 WHAT TIME IS IT??? The invention of the telegraph and the need to produce train schedules nudged the world into standardizing time.

22 Systems of Time 24-hour Clock Military Daylight Savings TimeDaylight Savings Time A.M./P.M. System To turn into the 24-hour clock simply add 12 to the number. Example: If it is 4:00 p.m. it would be 1600 hours.

23 International Date Line The International Date Line is located in the Pacific Ocean International Date Line Video

24 Today is… There are 12 time zones West of Greenwich and 12 to the East. There always 2 calendar days in the world. The date to the west of the International Date Line is one day later than the date to the east of the line.

25 Something to remember… Price and Accessibility do not always correlate with physical distance between destinations.

26 When is the best time to go?

27 Climate vs. Weather Climate is the sum of weather over a period of time. Weather is what is happening now.


29 Weather Temperature Atmospheric Pressure Wind Humidity Precipitation Clouds

30 Variables Affecting Climate Latitude Elevation Proximity to Water Ocean Currents Topography Prevailing Winds

31 Mountain Sickness Mountain Sickness is caused when you ascend to an elevation higher than 8,000 feet. Symptoms are headaches, nausea, sleeplessness

32 Equator Marks the boundary line between North and South Hemispheres Marks reversal of the seasons Coriolis Effect Video

33 Seasonality The peaks and valleys of demand for a destination and its facilities

34 Peak Season High Demand Prices Go Up

35 Shoulder Season Low demand ▫Few People Travel Low prices

36 Marketer’s Job Even out seasonality… Ideas: Lowering Rates Schedule Special Events Encourage Conventions

37 World Events Positive Negative Affects travel and tourism

38 What are the local customs like?

39 Architecture sDark Ages sProtection Example: Castles/Fortress sMiddle Ages sReligion Example: Cathedrals sEgypt sLife after death Example: Tombs

40 Languages Bilingual: the ability to speak two languages.  There are anywhere between 3,000 and 6,500 languages.

41 World Religion Judaism Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism Taoism Shintoism Christianity Islam

42 Cultural Geography Refers to a group’s total way of life, including the systems of social meanings, values, and ways of relating that are handed down from generation to generation. ▫Influences how people eat and how they prepare, serve, and consume food. ▫Architecture ▫Dress ▫Music/Art ▫Literature

43 Folklore Folklore consists of the beliefs, customs, and traditions that people pass on from generation to generation.

44 Mealtimes in Different Countries Breakfast: 6:00 – 11:00 am Lunch: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm Dinner: 5:00 pm to midnight

45 Something to Remember… When traveling in a foreign country travelers should always keep bottled water with them.

46 Where do I find information?

47 GuidebooksBrochures Guidebooks give travelers information about: Where to stay Where to eat Where to shop Background information Sightseeing tips Describes a destination’s attractions or a supplier’s offerings. Designed to sell a product.

48 Co-op Advertising Brochures published by tour operators and travel agencies in a combined effort to sell the travel product.

49 Lights, Action, Camera Pictures are great travel motivators. TV and movie information falls into 2 groups: Romantic Material Practical Material

50 Government Tourist Office (GTO) A state or province’s tourism promotion organization that gives detailed information about a country, state, or city Example: Utah Travel Council

51 Familiarization Trips Reduced-rate trips provided by a supplier’s marketing department to qualified travel professionals who need knowledge to sell the product effectively.

52 Trade Shows Provide opportunities for travel professionals to showcase their products.

53 What’s happening in travel?

54 Ethnocentrism The attitude that a person’s own culture is the BEST and most natural!

55 Multiculturism Acknowledging the existence, contribution, and value of all the earth’s cultures and peoples

56 Outbound Sending people to other countries

57 Inbound Tourists coming into a country

58 Ecotourism Traveling to nature’s wonders and leaving them in their original state. Ecotourism in Costa Rica

59 Recreation Travel  Mountain Climbing  Hiking  Diving  Kayaking  Shopping  Cooking  Gambling  Watching a sporting event  Many More!

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