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Jeopardy WWII Diplomacy Cold War Life in USSR European Unity Potpourri Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy WWII Diplomacy Cold War Life in USSR European Unity Potpourri Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy WWII Diplomacy Cold War Life in USSR European Unity Potpourri Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from WWII Diplomacy These men represented the “Big Three” throughout most of WWII.

4 $100 Answer from WWII Diplomacy Who are FDR, Stalin, and Churchill?

5 $200 Question from WWII Diplomacy This was the policy agreed upon at the Casablanca Conference in 1943 related to the Axis powers and how the war would end.

6 $200 Answer from WWII Diplomacy What is unconditional surrender?

7 $300 Question from WWII Diplomacy The foundations for this later conflict were being established during WWII diplomatic negotiations, as distrust among the Allies grew.

8 $300 Answer from WWII Diplomacy What is the Cold War?

9 $400 Question from WWII Diplomacy Much like Wilson did after WWI, FDR supported the creation of this type of organization after WWII ended.

10 $400 Answer from WWII Diplomacy What is a supranational organization?

11 $500 Question from WWII Diplomacy Earlier in the war, the US wanted the USSR to fight on this front; the US (Truman) later changed its mind to prevent the USSR from having another communist sphere of influence there.

12 $500 Answer from WWII Diplomacy What is the Pacific Front (Japan also acceptable)?

13 $100 Question from Cold War The Cold War has been described as a conflict of these two ideologies.

14 $100 Answer from Cold War What are communism and democracy/capitalism?

15 $200 Question from Cold War This pact was signed between some 27 countries in Western Europe and North America; an attack against one would be treated as an attack against all.

16 $200 Answer from Cold War What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?

17 $300 Question from Cold War The policy, followed by the Soviets, said the Soviets had a right and duty to interfere in socialist nations when it felt there was a need to do so.

18 $300 Answer from Cold War What is the Brezhnev Doctrine?

19 $400 Question from Cold War This conflict, an example of a proxy war, was justified by calling it a UN police action.

20 $400 Answer from Cold War What is the Korean War?

21 $500 Question from Cold War This was a news source broadcasted by Western powers to communist-led Eastern European countries.

22 $500 Answer from Cold War What is Radio Free Europe (or Radio Liberty)?

23 $100 Question from Life in USSR Under Stalin, these (also known as gulags) were used to remove perceived threats to the USSR without directly killing them.

24 $100 Answer from Life in the USSR What are prison camps or labor camps?

25 $200 Question from Life in the USSR This Soviet leader is known for his de-Stalinization program.

26 $200 Answer from Life in the USSR Who is Nikita Khrushchev?

27 $300 Question from Life in the USSR The USSR was a union of more than just Russia; it also included several countries from this general geographic area which would later gain independence.

28 $300 Answer from Life in the USSR What is Eastern Europe?

29 $400 Question from Life in the USSR During the Cold War, Brezhnev was able to ease tensions with the US, known as this.

30 $400 Answer from Life in USSR What is détente?

31 $500 Question from Life in USSR This program contributed to the USSR’s economic stagnation due to the amount of the budget it took to fund.

32 $500 Answer from Life in the USSR What is the space program?

33 $100 Question from European Unity The foundations for the later European Union were laid by this agreement, acronym GATT.

34 $100 Answer from European Unity What is the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade?

35 $200 Question from European Unity The word “Benelux” is used in reference to these three Western European countries where many of the early unity agreements were headquartered.

36 $200 Answer from European Unity What are Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg?

37 $300 Question from European Unity The ECSC, formed in 1952, created a supranational authority for these two industries.

38 $300 Answer from European Unity What are coal and steel?

39 $400 Question from European Unity The European Union was created in 1991-2 by these agreements.

40 $400 Answer from European Unity What are the Maastricht Agreements?

41 $500 Question from European Unity This organization was formed in 1967 by combining the ECSC and the EEC.

42 $500 Answer from European Unity What is the European Community (EC)?

43 $100 Question from Potpourri This book, written by a former prisoner on a Soviet gulag, was allowed to be printed by Khrushchev for the purposes of his de-Stalinization efforts.

44 $100 Answer from Potpourri What is One Day in the life of Ivan Denisovich (Solzhenitsyn)?

45 $200 Question from Potpourri The Great Depression was set off when this stock market crashed in 1929.

46 $200 Answer from Potpourri What is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)?

47 $300 Question from Potpourri Following WWII, Germany was split into various Allied occupation zones; this former capitol city was also divided.

48 $300 Answer from Potpourri What is Berlin?

49 $400 Question from Potpourri This type of warfare was prevalent during WWI; it ended up prompting the US to join.

50 $400 Answer from Potpourri What is submarine warfare?

51 $500 Question from Potpourri WWI did not originate as a war directly between numerous countries; rather, the alliance system and the initial conflict between these two nations started it all.

52 $500 Answer from Potpourri What are Austria and Serbia?

53 Final Jeopardy This author wrote, “If one man kills another, it is murder, but if a hundred thousand men kill another hundred thousand, it is considered an act of glory!?”

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Who is Tolstoy? (The book is Kingdom of God)

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