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ICT skills development: Training programmes for elected local oficials, civil servants, local entrepreneurs and citizens Αξιοποίηση των Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορικής.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT skills development: Training programmes for elected local oficials, civil servants, local entrepreneurs and citizens Αξιοποίηση των Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορικής."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT skills development: Training programmes for elected local oficials, civil servants, local entrepreneurs and citizens Αξιοποίηση των Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών για την Ηλεκτρονική Διακυβέρνηση και την Τοπική Ανάπτυξη

2 AGENDA General Characteristics Training programmes for Civil servants Local entrepreneurs Citizens Conclusion & Questions

3 1.2 million inhabitants in 41.602 km2. Population Density: 25.9 km2 (average density in Europe, 116.8 km2 ) Services 61.0%, industry, 25.7% Unemployment rate: 16.5%

4 Extremadura Regional Government Information Society Strategic Framework: Centre for the Promotion of New Initiatives Technological Framework:Intranet (Networks) Strategic Actions and programmes Three Basic Pillars: A Commitment of the Regional Government EXTREMADURA INFORMATION POLICIES

5 Strategic Actions and programmes e-EXTREMADURA: an innovative action programme co-financed by the European Union, is the global project, and is focused on the previously mentioned strategic objectives EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL NETWORK (ETN): 153.287 students. Objective: 1 PC per two students in 2005. CIVIL SERVANTS VIVERNET: IT Companies incubator. +/- 70 new business created since 2000. LOCAL ENTREPRENEURS NEW KNOWLEDGE CENTRES (NKC): 34 Literacy Centres. CITIZENS

6 Objectives of these Strategic Actions and programmes To promote free, participative and democratic access to ICT's for every citizen. To spread out local and regional culture through the participation and commitment of every inhabitant in Extremadura.To develop abilities, such as the entrepreneurial capacity in order to build a new region and to be able to cope with the XXI century skills. To generate virtual and social spaces promoting the creation of collaboration networks among businesses,associations and users with similar interest

7 CIVIL SERVANTS EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL NETWORK (ETN): 153.287 students. Objective: 1 PC per two students in 2005. – Training teachers was the focus of the first phase. – The Intranet connection was ready on June 2001 – En 2004 all secondary Schools had the ratio of 1 PC/2 students. – Training Officers is focused and trained on the first phase

8 LOCAL ENTREPRENEURS Its objective is to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit in the ICT sector in Extremadura, support innovative business initiatives, train people capable of confronting the challenge of creating their own business using technological tools and promoting business relations.

9 CITIZEN 34 NKCs in rural areas and in the less favoured areas of big cities. To promote free access to ICT to every citizen To extend the local culture by making people participate in the IS To develop local capacity, such as entrepreneurship to build a new region To create a social and virtual space to commit people in the transformation of the region


11 THANK YOU Pop Ramsamy

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