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“It’s not how smart you are…it’s how you’re smart!”

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Presentation on theme: "“It’s not how smart you are…it’s how you’re smart!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “It’s not how smart you are…it’s how you’re smart!”

2  Howard Garner developed theory of multiple intelligences  There are eight different intelligences  Everyone has varying amounts of each intelligence

3  Athletic  Can pick-up and remember dances easily  Have trouble sitting still for long periods of time

4  High Social Intelligence  Gets along well with others  Works well in groups

5  Loves learning new words  Easily learns new languages  Large vocabulary

6  Great at math  Likes puzzles  Can easily add, subtract, multiply, divide in head

7  Loves to be outdoors  Easily identifies different animal and plant species

8  Self-Smarts  Likes to spend time alone  Reflective– recognizes both strengths and weaknesses

9  Great Visualizers  Most likely artistic  Understands directions

10  Sings well  Prefers music over television  Plays instruments

11 B.I.L.L.N.I.S.M

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