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ALICE Programming For Beginners. ALICE Methods Program World Icon.

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Presentation on theme: "ALICE Programming For Beginners. ALICE Methods Program World Icon."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALICE Programming For Beginners

2 ALICE Methods Program World Icon

3 How does it work? ALICE allows you to write “programs” A programming language is a way to communicate with the computer. ALICE is a programming language. A program is the instructions you give the computer to follow. Some other examples of programming languages are Java, C, C++, Python, SCRATCH, PHP, and many others.

4 What language does the computer speak? A computer speaks only “Binary” which is the name for a language made entirely of only two characters, a 0 and a 1. Why are you able to write programs using ALICE without knowing the Binary language the computer speaks?

5 ALICE is a translator! When you write programs in ALICE, your program gets translated into languages that are closer and closer to Binary. Luckily, people have been working on computers for a long time and they write programs to allow you to write your program in a language YOU understand. Those programs then convert your program into something the computer understands. Those types of programs are called compilers.

6 ALICE Java C rest of hierarchy Binary ABSTRACTIO N HIERARCHY Other people have taken care of translating your program into the computer’s language so you don’t have to. was written in Java takes influences from C continues down into the rest of the hierarchy finally translates into binary

7 “Abstraction Hierarchy” sounds complicated. Really an Abstraction Hierarchy is what makes things less complicated because you get to write your program using words you understand!

8 A Video Game Throughout the week at GEMS you will write a program that is a video game. There are several requirements for your game, but the most important one is to have fun making it!

9 RULES FOR YOUR GAME Must be science-related. (Example: If your character is a frog, it is science related because frogs are important in Biology. ) Must be non-violent. (i.e. No shooting, no killing, no exploding, no squishing, no spontaneous combustion.) Must have a play time of under 5 minutes. This is because we have a limited amount of time for you to present your game. Must be something you would be proud to show your parents. Must have a goal/topic. This goal/topic must be approved by the GEMS instructors. Must be developed in a pair or group assigned by the GEMS instructors.

10 TIPS Dialogue-- in ALICE, you have the option to have characters “say” or “think” things. To keep your play time short, don’t include many of these. Instead, make your characters move to show how they are communicating or thinking. Interactivity-- To make the game more interesting, allow the user to interact with the game at all times. Avoid long amounts of time where the user is not really “playing.” Natural Movements-- Try to make the movements of your characters as natural as possible by examining how you move and applying those observations to your character.

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