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You will receive 5 words every Monday and will be quizzed on them on Friday. Study the words each day, so you will be ready for the quiz. DIVERGENT VOCABULARY.

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Presentation on theme: "You will receive 5 words every Monday and will be quizzed on them on Friday. Study the words each day, so you will be ready for the quiz. DIVERGENT VOCABULARY."— Presentation transcript:

1 You will receive 5 words every Monday and will be quizzed on them on Friday. Study the words each day, so you will be ready for the quiz. DIVERGENT VOCABULARY

2 VOCABULARY LIST #1 Faction (n): a small, organized, opposing group within a larger one, especially in politics. Self-indulgent (adj): concerned with pleasure and/or doing what one wants. Aptitude (n): a natural ability to do something. Exodus (n): a mass movement of people. Submission (n): the action of accepting the authority or superiority of a person or a large force (ex. government). The political factions in America are Democrat and Republican. My brother who likes to lay around the house is self-indulgent. Eleanor has an aptitude for running because she never sweats during the mile run. Recently in the news, there is an exodus of Syrian people in America and Europe. Our acceptance of the law shows our submission to the government.

3 VOCABULARY LIST #1 SubmissionExodus Aptitude Self-indulgent Faction

4 VOCABULARY LIST #2 Incorruptible (adj): cannot be convinced to do wrong or very honest. Fortitude (n): courage in pain or difficulty in life. Homogeneity (n): quality or state of being all the same or all of the same kind. Ignorance (v): lack of knowledge or information. Duplicity (n): deceitfulness; doubleness. A lawyer should be incorruptible because he or she fights for what is right. Martin Luther King has fortitude because he overcame the racism of White people. A classroom of only girls shows gender homogeneity. Racists show ignorance when they do not appreciate other people’s cultures. Duplicity is the life of a spy, for he or she lives two lives.

5 VOCABULARY LIST #2 Homogeneity Incorruptible Duplicity Fortitude

6 VOCABULARY LIST #3 Concede (v): to admit something is true or valid. Violate (v): to break a rule; to disrespect. Antagonize (v): to cause someone to be hostile. Exploit (v): to use a something or someone in a selfish way. Mischievous (adj): naughty; playfully causing trouble. If you wronged someone, you should concede your mistake and tell the truth. If you lie in court, you violate the law. If you approach someone in a harsh manner, you will antagonize him or her. Chinese factories exploit workers with 18 hour days and dollar wages. When babies pull on your hair, they are being mischievous.

7 Violate Exploit AntagonizeMischievous Concede

8 VOCABULARY LIST #4 Chasm (n): deep opening in the Earth, rock, or another surface. Fraternize (v): to befriend someone that you’re not supposed to. Sadistic (adj): having pleasure from causing pain or suffering. Triumphant (adj): having won a battle; feeling victorious. Dilapidated (adj): in a state of ruin due to age or neglect. The chasm between caves has created space for a river. Do not fraternize with the enemy team. Rapists have a sadistic personality, for they rape for violence. FC Barcelona felt triumphant after beating Real Madrid. The dilapidated building had to be demolished because it was falling apart.

9 TriumphantSadisticFraternize DilapidatedChasm

10 VOCABULARY LIST #5 Allegiance (n): loyalty or commitment. Manipulate (v): to control or influence a person or situation unfairly. Apprehension (n): anxiety or fear that something bad will happen. Depravity (n): moral corruption; wickedness. Divergence (n): process or state of dividing or separating. Soldiers swear allegiance to their country and to serve the people. Older siblings manipulate younger ones to be their personal maids. After being robbed, she had an apprehension that it will happen again. People were shocked of the depravity of the crime. The divergence between the English colonies resulted in the countries of the United States, Australia, and New Zealand.

11 Allegiance Divergence Apprehension Manipulate Depravity

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