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English January 19, 2010. DOL  if your going shopping for cloths i hope the children if they wish can come with me to main street to watch the thanksgiving.

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Presentation on theme: "English January 19, 2010. DOL  if your going shopping for cloths i hope the children if they wish can come with me to main street to watch the thanksgiving."— Presentation transcript:

1 English January 19, 2010

2 DOL  if your going shopping for cloths i hope the children if they wish can come with me to main street to watch the thanksgiving day parade  Homophone  Spelling  Commas  Capitalization  Proper noun  Proper adjective  If you’re going shopping for clothes, I hope the children, if they wish, can come with me to Main Street to watch the Thanksgiving Day parade.

3 Focused Freewrite 5 minutes  Make $100,000 per year digging holes with a shovel? or Make $30,000 per year playing your favorite sport or doing something you love? Make $30,000 per year playing your favorite sport or doing something you love?

4 Vocabulary Unit 2 If the word does not have a sentence with it, make one up as we go along. If the word does not have a sentence with it, make one up as we go along.

5 calamity  great misfortune; catastrophe; disaster

6 congregate  come together in a crowd; assemble; gather Some homeowners near the school do not like students to congregate on their property.

7 convene  meet or come together in a group for a specific purpose

8 cordiality  friendliness; warmth of regard

9 crony  close companion; good friend; chum

10 deliberately  (1) in a carefully thought out manner; on purpose; purposely We deliberately kept Glenda off the planning committee because we didn’t want her to know that the party was to be in her honor.

11 dispense  (followed by the preposition with) do without; get along without

12 dubious  doubtful; uncertain; questionable There is no doubt about my feeling better, but it is dubious that I can be back at school by tomorrow.

13 intimidate  frighten; influence by fear; cow; overawe

14 recoil  draw back because of fear; shrink; wince; flinch

15 Exercise 1- Each expression in column one has a SYNONYM in column 2. On your paper, enter the letter of the correct SYNONYM COLUMN 1 1. meet for a specific purpose 2. intimate friend 3. influence by fear 4. on purpose 5. go without 6. warmth of regard 7. draw back in fear 8. doubtful, uncertain 9. assemble 10. great misfortune COLUMN 2 A.intimidate B.dispense C.cordiality D.dubious E.calamity F.deliberately G.convene H.recoil I.crony J.congregate

16 Assignment  Write 2 sentences using five words in each. Must make sense.  When finished grab a textbook. We are on page 452.

17 Characters to think about:  Round-fully developed, seem real  Flat-one dimensional, only see one side  Static-doesn’t change  Dynamic-goes through a change during the story.

18 Naturalism-things to remember  Authors try to depict life as it is.  The idea of humans being like puppets in natural circumstances outside of their control…can be circumstances in nature, or things like poverty, race, etc.

19 The Open Boat-page 452 Things to think about as we read: What is the significance of the first line? What type of narrator do we have, why is it important? How is the horizon described? Paragraphs 3-6 introduce the four characters. What do we know and what can me infer about each of them? What is meant by the simile in the last paragraph?

20 Things to think about cont.  What is the conflict?  What does the contrast between the two views imply about the people’s understanding?  “the color of the sea changed from slate to emerald green streaked with amber lights, and the foam was like tumbling snow.” What is this an example of?  Why is this sentence ironic… “it was probably splendid, it was probably glorious.”  What is it in the presence of the gulls that makes the men angry and violent?  How does the situation with the gulls reinforce the predicament of the men?

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