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Activity 49 Comparing Site Risk.

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1 Activity 49 Comparing Site Risk

2 Activity 49: Comparing Site Risk
Challenge: Which location would you recommend for further study as a possible site for storing nuclear waste? Read the Intro on page D-54 Imagine the year is 2030, and the US is looking for a long-term storage site for storing nuclear waste. Use what you have learned in this unit to help you evaluate 8 sites.

3 Things to Remember: The issue of nuclear waste disposal has been considered for over 50 years Some of the proposed sites in this activity are based on previously considered sites in Mississippi, Nevada, Texas, and Washington. The additional sites are based on a research publication that suggests that granite outcrops might provide suitable storage sites To make a FINAL decision you would need a great deal of additional information and research Your challenge is not to pick a final site, but to consider the complexity of selecting a site and to propose one site for additional study, based on the information available to you at this time.

4 Procedure: You will work in your groups of 4 – Follow procedure steps 1-4 on page D-55 Using SS 49.1 and 49.2, you should begin examining each set of maps and discuss what the map suggests about risks at each site. Each group will be assigned one of the 8 proposed sites. Use your discussion web to identify and sort evidence about your assigned site in preparation for a presentation. Each group will present (2-3 minutes) the advantages and disadvantages of their site to the class. As groups present their information, you will each complete the SS 49.3 “Comparing Eight Proposed Sites”



7 Analysis Questions 1 & 2 When selecting a site for storing nuclear waste, scientific information that should be considered should include: Earthquake and volcano risk information about the earth material and groundwater at the site Proximity to populations Possible accidents in transporting waste to sites People in the community should have meetings, voting, and other types of input if a site near them is being proposed as a nuclear waste storage site.

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