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Or how to make 11=1 Dr Penny Berents Australian Museum EMu Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Or how to make 11=1 Dr Penny Berents Australian Museum EMu Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Or how to make 11=1 Dr Penny Berents Australian Museum EMu Project

2 Background  databasing of collections began in early 1980s with vertebrate collections  TITAN  first databases were identical but as the years went by Collection Managers modified their database(s)  in 2000 the AM had 11 collection databases in Texpress on 4 servers

3 AM collection databases  Birds  Fishes  Herpetology  Mammals  Marine Invertebrates  Tissue  Insects  Minerals  Molluscs  Palaeontology  Spiders

4 Step one  Choice of software  KE EMu or something else?  how much could we combine with AM Anthropology EMu database ?

5  whose version of EMu ?  American versions – AMNH, NMNH ?  Australian natural history users ?  AM Anthropology ?

6  our limited knowledge of product architecture and functionality before commencing customisation  data free software

7 .  We analysed all collections for individual needs before customising Catalogue and before migrating any data

8  which modules?  Catalogue, Taxonomy, Sites, Collecting Events, Parties, Loans, Movements, Bibliography, Multimedia, Locations

9  Latitude and Longitude

10  Registration numbers and IRNs

11 .  Salinity data not displayed with float data

12 .  EMu logins  Registry settings

13 .  EMu logins  Registry settings  standard environments for EMu

14 .  EMu logins  Registry settings  standard environments for EMu  mapping fields from Texpress to EMu

15 .  EMu logins  Registry settings  standard environments for EMu  mapping fields from Texpress to EMu  data mapping benchmarks

16  establishing load benchmarks for testing each collection after the load

17  range queries

18  establishing load benchmarks for testing each collection after the load  range queries  SQS (simple query screen)

19  establishing load benchmarks for testing each collection after the load  range queries  SQS (simple query screen)  keeping track of different datasets at varying stages of implementation

20 .  storage locations

21 .  issue registration

22  histories

23  taxon/ type of

24  histories  taxon/ type of  Help/Manuals/Training

25  4 datasets loaded and operational  Marine Invertebrates, Herpetology, Birds & Spiders  Mammals loaded to ‘test’ database  Mapping underway for next datasets  due to finish migrating all datasets by end 2004 Where are we up to?

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