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California Integrated Waste Management Board 1 Agenda Item 5 (Committee Item F) June 9, 2008 Agenda Item 5 (Committee Item F) June 9, 2008 Consideration.

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Presentation on theme: "California Integrated Waste Management Board 1 Agenda Item 5 (Committee Item F) June 9, 2008 Agenda Item 5 (Committee Item F) June 9, 2008 Consideration."— Presentation transcript:

1 California Integrated Waste Management Board 1 Agenda Item 5 (Committee Item F) June 9, 2008 Agenda Item 5 (Committee Item F) June 9, 2008 Consideration Of Allocation And Grant Awards For The Solid Waste Disposal And Codisposal Site Cleanup Program (Solid Waste Disposal Trust Fund FY 2007/08)

2 California Integrated Waste Management Board 2 Grant Summary (4 th Cycle FY 2007/08) Agenda Item 5/F June 9, 2008 Applicant Board Funding Recommended Funding Mechanism Cost Recovery City of Los Angeles $500,000 Illegal Disposal Site Grant Not Applicable Suisun Resource Conservation District $21,600 $21,600 Illegal Disposal Site Grant Not Applicable County of Sacramento $410,000 Partial (Matching Grant) Not Applicable Total $931,600

3 California Integrated Waste Management Board 3 City Of Los Angeles Illegal Dumping Control Project City Of Los Angeles Illegal Dumping Control Project Project Description: Project Description: –Follow-up project from Board grant awarded in 2004. –Supports overall City Illegal Dumping Program by expanding current efforts against 50 new chronic illegal dumping sites on public right-of-ways throughout City. Board Grant Funds Requested: Board Grant Funds Requested: –$300,000 waste removal, transportation, and disposal/recycling; –$157,100 site security related (surveillance/ enforcement and public outreach); –$42,900 administration and project management.

4 California Integrated Waste Management Board 4 City Of Los Angeles Illegal Dumping Control Project City Of Los Angeles Illegal Dumping Control Project

5 California Integrated Waste Management Board 5 Suisun Resource Conservation District (SRCD) Lower Joice Island Disposal Site Suisun Resource Conservation District (SRCD) Lower Joice Island Disposal Site Site and Project Description: Site and Project Description: –Property acquired in “as is” condition by SRCD in 2000 for purposes of establishing a public marshland refuge and the natural ecological restoration of Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. –Solid waste from past ranch/farm operations is threat to public health and safety, incompatible with ecosystem, and is visual nuisance. Board Grant Funds Requested: Board Grant Funds Requested: –$21,600 to remove and transport scrap metal and solid waste for proper disposal and recycling and chip clean wood waste for use onsite as mulch.

6 California Integrated Waste Management Board 6 Sacramento County Franklin Field Landfill Site Description: Site Description: –Property adjacent to Franklin Field Airport and Rio Consumnes Correctional Center. Both are County facilities. –Site operated for household, institutional (prison), and demolition waste disposal in 1940’s (military) and 1950-80’s (County). –Board CIA Program in 2001 found 5-acre area of exposed waste with metals in violation of state standards, not a LF gas threat. Project Description and Costs: Project Description and Costs: –Board grant funds requested: $410,000 for waste excavation, consolidation, and cover. –County match $525,000 for design, project management, construction quality assurance, and permitting/mitigation costs.

7 California Integrated Waste Management Board 7 Agenda Item 5 (Committee Item F) June 9, 2008 Agenda Item 5 (Committee Item F) June 9, 2008 Recommend approval of proposed grant awards under the Solid Waste Disposal And Codisposal Site Cleanup Program and adoption of Resolution 2008-101

8 California Integrated Waste Management Board 8 Cleanup Program Trust Fund Status Solid Waste Trust Fund: Unreserved Balance (March 2008)$4,931,800 June 2008 Grants($931,600) Balance Available for New Grants/Contracts$4,020,000 Proposed FY 08/09 Appropriation$5,000,000 Contract Allocations FY 08/09 Balance To Be Available including FY 08/09 Appropriation: ($3,400,000) $5,620,000

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