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Splash Screen. Lesson Menu Five-Minute Check (over Chapter 2) Main Idea Example 1:Write a Phrase as an Expression Example 2:Write Sentences as Equations.

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Presentation on theme: "Splash Screen. Lesson Menu Five-Minute Check (over Chapter 2) Main Idea Example 1:Write a Phrase as an Expression Example 2:Write Sentences as Equations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Splash Screen

2 Lesson Menu Five-Minute Check (over Chapter 2) Main Idea Example 1:Write a Phrase as an Expression Example 2:Write Sentences as Equations Example 3:Write Sentences as Equations Example 4:Real-World Example Example 5:Test Example

3 Main Idea/Vocabulary Write verbal phrases and sentences as simple algebraic expressions and equations.

4 Example 1 Write a Phrase as an Expression Write the phrase twenty dollars less the price of a movie ticket as an algebraic expression. Answer: 20 – m Wordstwenty dollars less the price of a movie ticket VariableLet m represent the price of a movie ticket. Expression20 – m

5 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D Example 1 A.5 – s B.5s C.5 + s D.s – 5 Write the phrase five more inches of snow than last year’s snowfall as an algebraic expression.

6 Example 2 Write Sentences as Equations Write the sentence a number less 4 is 12 as an algebraic equation. Answer: n – 4 = 12 WordsA number less 4 is 12. VariableLet n represent a number. Equationn – 4 = 12

7 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D Example 2 A.12 – n = 8 B.n + 8 = 12 C.8 – n = 12 D.n – 8 = 12 Write the sentence eight less than a number is 12 as an algebraic equation.

8 Example 3 Write Sentences as Equations Write the sentence twice a number is 18 as an algebraic equation. Answer: 2a = 18 Wordstwice a number is 18 VariableLet a represent a number. Equation2a = 18

9 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D Example 3 Write the sentence four times a number equals 96 as an algebraic equation. A.4x = 96 B.x + 4 = 96 C.4 – x = 96 D.

10 Example 4 FOOD An average American adult drinks more soft drinks than any other beverage each year. Three times the number of gallons of soft drinks plus 27 is equal to the total 183 gallons of beverages consumed. Write an equation that models this situation.

11 Example 4 Answer: The equation is 3s + 27 = 183. WordsThree times the number of gallons of soft drink plus 27 equals 183. VariableLet s = the number of gallons of soft drinks. Equation3s + 27 = 183

12 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D Example 4 A.8 – 2t = 26 B.2t – 8 = 26 C.2t – 26 = 8 D.26 – 2t = 8 EXERCISE It is estimated that American adults spend an average of 8 hours per month exercising. This is 26 hours less than twice the number of hours spent watching television each month. Write an equation that models this situation.

13 Example 5 Which problem situation matches the equation 4.9y = 17.3? AAfter giving away 4.9 kg of tomatoes, Harry had 17.3 kg left. What is y, the number of kg of tomatoes that Harry began with? BThe total length of two toy cars is 17.3 cm. One car is 4.9 cm long. What is y, the length of the other car? CA chemist separated a solution into 4 equal quantities of 17.3 mL. What is y, the amount of solution she began with? DRodrigo spent $17.30 on fishing line. If each meter of line cost $4.90, what is y, the total length of the line?

14 Example 5 Read the Item You need to find which problem situation matches the equation y ● 4.9 = 17.3.  You can eliminate choice A because it involves subtraction, not multiplication.  You can eliminate choice B because it involves addition, not multiplication.  You can eliminate choice C because it involves multiplying 4 and 17.3. Solve the Item

15 Example 5  Choice D is the correct answer; the cost per meter times the number of meters should equal the total cost for the line. Answer: D

16 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D Example 5 A.The cost of a new book is $7.50. How many books can Cori purchase is she has a total of $22.40? B.Kevin spends $22.40 on video games. His friend Aaron spends $7.50 more than Kevin. How much did Aaron spend? C.A board measuring 22.4 cm in length is cut into pieces. One of the pieces is 7 cm longer than the other. Find the lengths of the two pieces. D.Nicole lives 7.5 miles away from school. She travels this distance in 22.4 minutes. At what rate does Nicole travel? Which problem situation matches the equation x – 7.5 = 22.4?

17 End of the Lesson

18 Resources Five-Minute Check (over Chapter 2) Image Bank Math Tools Solving Equations Using Models Perimeter Solving EquationsTwo-Step Equations

19 1.A 2.B Five Minute Check 1 (over Chapter 2) Replace ● with to make a true sentence. –7 ● 9 A.< B.>

20 1.A 2.B Five Minute Check 2 (over Chapter 2) Replace ● with to make a true sentence. |–12| ● 6 A.< B.>

21 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D Five Minute Check 3 (over Chapter 2) Find 15 + (–7). A.22 B.8 C.–8 D.–22

22 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D Five Minute Check 4 (over Chapter 2) Find –6 – (–12). A.18 B.12 C.6 D.–6

23 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D Five Minute Check 5 (over Chapter 2) Find –5(11). A.–55 B.–16 C.16 D.55

24 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D Five Minute Check 6 (over Chapter 2) A.–14ºF B.–7ºF C.–2ºF D.–1ºF The temperature at 2:00 P.M. was 58ºF. By 9:00 P.M. the temperature was 44ºF. What is the average change in the temperature per hour?

25 End of Custom Shows

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