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Introduction to Optical Atomic spectrometry

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1 Introduction to Optical Atomic spectrometry
Yongsik Lee

2 introduction Three methods for atomic spectrometry
Optical spectroscopy Mass spectrometry X-ray spectroscopy

3 Preparation of atomic samples
In optical methods Sample is atomized gas phase atoms or ions Emission/absorption/luminescence In mass spectrometry Cation and m/e measured X-ray Atomic intrinsic data Direct measurement

4 8A Optical Atomic Spectra
Energy level diagram Atomic Line width Thermal effect Band/continuous spectrum

5 Atomic Energy levels Energy levels
Every elements has unique set of atomic orbital levels Hydrogen atom has a simple energy levels One proton + one electron (two body problem) Other elements have complex atomic orbital (p,d,f...) levels Levels split by spin-orbit (SO) coupling Energy level diagram A picture of relative energy levels of an atom

6 Energy levels and atomic spectra

7 복잡한 “커플링”은 에너지 준위를 degenerate

8 Spin-orbit coupling Spin (s) and orbital (l) motion create magnetic fields that perturb each other if fields parallel - slightly higher energy if fields anti-parallel - slightly lower energy Define Spin-Orbit coupling by J total angular momentum J=L+S (L = Sl , S = Ss) positive values only

9 Vector sum of angular momenta
P.W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry Atomic structure and atomic spectra s electron (l=0, s=+1/2 or -1/2) J=0+1/2=1/2 p electron (l=1, s=+1/2 or -1/2) J= 1+1/2 = 3/2 (higher energy) or J= 1-1/2 = 1/2 (lower energy)

10 Electronic Term Symbol
2S+1LJ L written as letter (S, P, D...) instead of number! Li =1s2 2s1 L = 0, S = ±1/2 2S1/2 Li* =1s2 2p1 L = 1, S = ±1/2 2P1/2, 3/2 Be =1s2 2s2 L = 0, S = 0 1S0 Be* =1s2 2s12p1 L =1, S = 1, 0 3P2 , 1P0

11 Sodium D lines

12 Energy Level Diagram with SO coupling

13 Allowed/forbidden transition
Similar pattern between atoms but different spacing Spectrum of ion different to atom Separations measured in electron volts (eV) Figure 8-2 Electron volt Energy unit 1 eV =1.602x10-19 C X 1V (J/C) = 1.602x10-19 J 1 eV = kJ/mol As # of electrons increases # of levels increases Emission spectra become more complex Using selection rule (Quantum mechanics) – allowed/forbidden Li 30 lines, Cs 645 lines, Cr 2277 lines

14 Review of atomic spectrometry
Three methods for atomic spectrometry Optical spectroscopy Mass spectrometry X-ray spectroscopy

15 Three Types of Atomic optical spectroscopy
Atomic emission Arc or spark (heating) H2-O2 flame Atomic absorption Resonance absorption lines Atomic fluorescence Resonance fluorescence Non-resonance fluorescence

16 Atomic line widths Desire narrow lines for accurate identification
Broadened by 4 mechanism (i) uncertainty principle Natural line width (about 1/10000 Å) (ii) Doppler effect (about 1/100 Å) (iii) pressure broadening (about 1/100-1/10 Å) (iv) electric and magnetic fields Zeeman effect Chapter 9C-1

17 Uncertainty Principle
Why? Quantum mechanical idea states must measure for some minimum time to tell two frequencies apart How? Shows up in lifetime of excited state if lifetime infinitely long, DE infinitely narrow if lifetime short, DE is broadened

18 Calculation of uncertainty broadening

19 Pressure broadening Why? For low pressure hollow cathode lamps
Collisions with atoms/molecules transfers small quantities of vibrational energy (heat) ill-defined ground state energy Effect worse at high pressures For low pressure hollow cathode lamps 1-10 torr Dl = 0.1 – 0.01 Å For high pressure Xe lamps >10,000 torr Å (turnslines into continua!)

20 Doppler broadening Change in frequency produced by motion relative to detector In a flame, Doppler broadening is 100 times of natural broadening Red shift is observed by Edwin Hubble (1920) Big bang theory

21 Compression/expansion

22 Doppler broadening of Gas
In gas, broadened line is symmetric shape Average speed of gas atoms Doppler effect to the detector Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution of speed Super sonic jet nozzle (molecular beam) Doppler broadening increases with (T)1/2

23 Sub-millimeter supersonic jet Spectrometer at Texas A&M
(Instrumental line width <2 kHz, 6.8 x 10-8 cm-1)

24 Atomic linewidths Broadened by 4 mechanism (i) uncertainty principle
Natural line width (about 1/10000 Å) (ii) Doppler effect Flames - about 1/100 Å (iii) pressure broadening about 1/100-1/10 Å (iv) electric and magnetic fields Zeeman effect Chapter 9C-1

25 Other Effects of Temperature on Atomic Spectrometry
Boltzmann equation Important in emission measurements relying on thermal excitation Na atoms at 2500 K, only 0.02 % atoms in first excited state! Less important in absorption measurements 99.98 % atoms in ground state!

26 Best method? ABS/FL Absorption FL More sample atoms than Emission
Difference measurement (log Po – log P) Big Background and big signal Cancels out the advantage FL For the same number of atoms, FL is best

27 8B Methods for atomizing
Sample must be converted to atoms first

28 8C Sample Introduction method
transfer sample to atomizer Achilles heel of atomic spectroscopy easy for gases /solutions but difficult for solids

29 Sample phase and introduction methods
Solution Or slurry (suspension) Solid Solid or fine powder Less producible More error

30 Solution phase pnuematic nebulization Supersonic nebulization
Sample in aq solution Figure 8-9 Bernoulli aspiration Supersonic nebulization 20 kHz – MHz peizoelectric surface Electrothermal vaporizer (ETV) Non-continuous signal Hydride generation


32 Hydride generation For As, Sb, Sn, Se, Bi, Pb containing samples to vaporize Detection limit times increase Some of them are toxic! Generation method Prepare acidic sample solution Add to 1% NaBH4 solution Metal hydride (g) generated

33 Solid sample Direct insertion Electothermal vaporization
Powder on the probe Metal samples as an electrode Electothermal vaporization Spark and arc ablation Vaporized samples moved by inert gas Conductive (or mixture of) samples Laser ablation Various kinds of sample Glow discharge (GD) sputtering Figure 8-10 Introduction and atomization at the same time Ar+ ion collision (1-10 torr Ar used for VDC) Samples on cathode (which contains the sample)

34 Homework 8-8, 9, 10

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