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LORAIN COUNTY CHILDREN AND FAMILIES COUNCIL BOARD MEETING February 11, 2016 Lorain County Administration Building.

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Presentation on theme: "LORAIN COUNTY CHILDREN AND FAMILIES COUNCIL BOARD MEETING February 11, 2016 Lorain County Administration Building."— Presentation transcript:

1 LORAIN COUNTY CHILDREN AND FAMILIES COUNCIL BOARD MEETING February 11, 2016 Lorain County Administration Building

2 Help Me Grow Updates HMG Early Intervention will transition from ODH to DoDD at the state level. Key Points Moving into July: The SFY17 grant is a continuation grant and only FCFCs will be able to apply. RFP released next week. Counties will continue to use state’s GMIS system for grant management and reporting. State’s database Early Track will still capture all HMG children’s information; this is HMG’s Electronic Record. SFY17 budget is expected to see a 5% decrease. ODH revamped Grants Management Unit with stronger accountability of all expenditures. Lorain County being audited currently. Federal Office of Special Education placed Ohio on “Needs Assistance” status in SFY16. Greater emphasis on local programs to implement early intervention evidence-based practices and use standardized outcome tool COS.

3 Help Me Grow Updates Lorain County EBEI Approach DS SC & Evaluators RIHP BCMH Nurses Early Childhood MH SLP, PT, OT

4 Help Me Grow Updates Focus Moving into SFY17….. Secure alternative funding source for continuation of therapists attendance to team meetings. Competency of Parent Coaching and EBEI practices. Transition from bi-monthly to weekly team meetings held within each region.

5 Lorain County Help Me Grow Updates Lorain County Help Me Grow leads a County-Wide Early Autism Screening Project in Partnership with Lorain County Medical Partners and LCBDD Pictured left to right: HMG Contract Manager Melissa Stefano, LCBDD EI Supervisor Stephanie Bondra, Conleth Crotser, M.D. and John Sanderson, D.O. of Kidz First Pediatrics of Oberlin, Developmental Specialist Bonnie Minnich, Kristin Guilonard, D.O. of Lorain County Health & Dentistry, HMG Supervisor Aimee Poe, Developmental Specialist Elizabeth Vodraska, HMG Service Coordinators and OCALI State Consultant Courtney Yantes (missing in photo is Dr. Charles Weber and Tanya Villa, HMG Central Coordination)

6 Help Me Grow Updates ADEP: Autism Diagnosis Education Program Nationally, 1 in 68 children are diagnosed with autism each year. Lorain County’s ADEP program has diagnosed 31 children ages 0 – 3 since its inception (2013). Over 500 children have been diagnosed statewide (reported by OCALI). Partnership with Medical Providers give parents a choice, billable under consultation through private insurance and Medicaid. Children are screened using the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) with results sent to parent-selected medical partner for consultation and diagnosis. Results shared with child’s pediatrician. Specialized services known as The Play Project, research-based program that focuses on play and relationship to support the social and emotional growth of child with autism are offered and provided by LCBDD Developmental Specialists. Lorain County SST#2 is hosting 2 nd Annual Special Needs Resource Day on Tuesday, Mar 8 2016, 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM

7 Ohio Children’s Trust Fund Updates

8 Still need a Commissioner Appointee for the new Regional Council. Stark County FCFC applied and will most likely be rewarded contract for Council Prevention Coordinator. State advocacy work around transition funding for currently-funded programs. This will be a lost to FCFC budget of $96,000.

9 ENGAGE Wrap Around Services ENGAGE is Ohio’s SAMHSA System of Care Expansion Grant: 4 Year Implementation Grant (SFY 14-17) Expand System of Care Statewide Focused on Youth & Young Adults in Transition Employs the National Wrap Around Model for Service provision. Partnership with Case Western Reserve University to support data collection and analysis. Lorain County $59,000 one-time payment was received in June 2015 to support Wrap Around services. Adherence to High Fidelity Wrap Around services measured using the WFI-EZ will be focus of LCCFC moving into SFY16-17. Participating in a joint youth transition collaborative between Workforce Development, State Support Team #2, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, Supported Employment/LCBDD. Lorain County is in the First Cohort

10 Ohio Family and Children First Council Shared Plan The OCBF grant application and the shared plan for SFY 2017-2019 will be due July 31, 2016. The new shared planning process will continue on a 4 year cycle (the start of the next four-year cycle was delayed and thus reduced by a year). During SFY 2017 – 2019, the FCFC will monitor its shared plan, annually report measurable progress towards achieving shared outcomes and update the plan. The four year planning cycle will then culminate in the development of the next shared plan to be submitted in July 2019. There is a workbook to guide councils through the new process which includes key phrases: “Responsibilities for Action Necessary to Implement New Mutually Reinforcing Activity” “Connected Outcomes” and “Baseline Data”.

11 10 Year Service Award: Elaine Georgas Secretary 2006 - 2016

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