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Pseudo-random generators Talk for Amnon ’ s seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "Pseudo-random generators Talk for Amnon ’ s seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pseudo-random generators Talk for Amnon ’ s seminar

2 This talk Probabilistic algorithms (introduced in the 70 ’ s) play an important role in CS. Derandomization: Replacing probabilistic algorithms by efficient deterministic algorithms. A brief introduction to this area. Pseudo-random generators. How to construct explicit PRGs.

3 Review: Deterministic Algorithms Computational problem P: Input: x Output: P(x) A outputinput

4 Review: Probabilistic Algorithms Allow algorithm A to: Use random bits. Make errors. Answers correctly with high probability. for every x, Pr r [A(x,r)=P(x)]>1- ε. (for very small ε, say 10 -1000 ). A input random bits output

5 Two famous problems with prob. poly-time algorithms Primality testing Input: a number N. Output: Is N a prime? Polynomial identities Input: A black-box which computes a polynomial p(X 1..X d ). Output: Is p ≡ 0 ? Can be derandomized! [AKS02] “ hard ” to derandomize! [IK02]

6 The general question Can every probabilistic algorithm be efficiently derandomized? How powerful are probabilistic algorithms?

7 Exponential time Derandomization After 20 years of research we only have the following trivial theorem. Thm: Probabilistic Poly-time algorithms can be simulated deterministically in exponential time. (Time 2 poly(n) ).

8 Proof: Suppose that A uses r random bits. Run A using all 2 r choices for random bits. A input random bits output 00000000000 00000000001 00000000010. 11111111111 2r2r Time: 2 r ·poly(n) Take the Majority vote of outputs.

9 Algorithms which use few bits Time: 2 r ·poly(n) A input random bits output Algorithms with few random coins can be efficiently derandomized! 0000 0001. 1111 2r2r r=O(log n) Polynomial time deterministic algorithm!

10 Derandomization paradigm Given a probabilistic algorithm that uses many random bits. Convert it into a probabilistic algorithm that uses few random bits. Derandomize it by “ brute-force ” using the previous Theorem.

11 Pseudo-Random Generators A input output pseudo-random bits PRG seed Use a short “ seed ” of very few truly random bits to generate a long string of pseudo-random bits. A input random bits output Pseudo-randomness: no efficient algorithm can distinguish truly random bits from pseudo-random bits. few truly random bits many “ pseudo-random ” bits circuit

12 Pseudo-Random Generators A input output pseudo-random bits PRG short seed New probabilistic algorithm. => can be derandomized by brute force! few truly random bits

13 The concept of pseudo-randomness Mathematics. Probability theory. Computer science. Complexity theory. Randomness is a property of the object. Pseudo-randomness is in the eyes of the beholder! A random distribution: Its density function is balanced. A pseudo-random distribution: No feasible algorithm distinguishes it from the uniform distribution.

14 The concept of pseudo-randomness Mathematics. Probability theory. Computer science. Complexity theory. Randomness is a property of the object. Pseudo-randomness is in the eyes of the beholder! Information Theory: Impossible to generate many random bits from few random bits. Complexity theory: Possible to generate many pseudo-random bits from few random bits.

15 Efficient PRG ’ s Existence isn ’ t good enough! We need PRG ’ s which are efficiently computable. input A output pseudo-random bits PRG short seed Open problem: Construct an efficient PRG.

16 Efficient PRG ’ s have strong unproven implications Efficient PRG ’ s => explicit hard functions exist. Essentially, efficient PRG ’ s => NP≠P. (More precisely: => EXP≠P/poly). Proving the existence of explicit hard functions is the biggest open problem in CS. Little progress in 40 years! It ’ s very hard to construct efficient PRG ’ s!

17 Hardness versus Randomness Initiated by [BM,Yao,Shamir]. Assumption: explicit hard functions exist Efficient PRG ’ s exist Derandomization of prob. algorithms

18 A quick overview Hardness vs. Randomness: Cryptography: [BM,Y,S,HILL] Derandomization: [NW88,BFNW93,I95,IW97, IW98,STV99,ISW99,ISW00,SU01,U02]. Important milestone [NW88,IW97]: Under suitable hardness assumptions: Every probabilistic algorithm can be completely and efficiently derandomized! deterministic algorithms are just as strong as probabilistic algorithms!

19 The Impagliazzo-Wigderson assumption Computable in time 2 O(n). Cannot be computed by boolean circuits of size 2 δn, for some 0<δ<1. Computable in non-deterministic time poly(n) Cannot be computed in time poly(n). There exists a function f which is NP≠P

20 Converting Hardness into pseudo-randomness Basic idea: f is “ very hard ” for efficient algorithms. f(x) “ looks ” like a random coin to an efficient algorithm which gets x. Suggestion: PRG(x)=x,f(x). We make sure that PRG is efficient by: Assuming it is feasible to compute f on very short (logarithmic) instances. For example we may get that PRG runs in time n 4 and is pseudo-random for algorithms with time n 2.

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