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Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Culture and Personality Terror.

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Presentation on theme: "Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Culture and Personality Terror."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Culture and Personality Terror Management Theory

2 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Reserved Less Intelligent Affected by Feelings Submissive Serious Expedient Timid Tough-minded Trusting Practical Forthright Self-assured Conservative Group-dependant Relaxed Uncontrolled Outgoing More Intelligent Emotionally Stable Dominant Happy-go-lucky Conscientious Venturesome Sensitive Suspicious Imaginative Shrewd Apprehensive Experimenting Self-sufficient Tense Controlled

3 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Agreeableness Conscientiousness (Constraint) Openness to Experience Neuroticism (Negative Emotionality) Extraversion (Positive Emotionality) sociable outgoing upbeatfriendly assertive gregarious

4 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Agreeableness Conscientiousness (Constraint) Openness to Experience Extraversion (Positive Emotionality) Neuroticism (Negative Emotionality) insecure anxious hostile vulnerable self-conscious Neuroticism (Negative Emotionality)

5 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality curiosity imaginativeness flexibility Agreeableness Conscientiousness (Constraint) Extraversion (Positive Emotionality) Neuroticism (Negative Emotionality) Openness to Experience unconventional attitudes artistic sensitivity vivid fantasy Openness to Experience

6 Conscientiousness (Constraint) Extraversion (Positive Emotionality) Neuroticism (Negative Emotionality) Openness to Experience Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality sympathetic cooperative trusting Agreeableness modest straight forward Agreeableness

7 Extraversion (Positive Emotionality) Neuroticism (Negative Emotionality) Openness to Experience Agreeableness Conscientiousness (Constraint) Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality diligent disciplined punctual dependable well-organized Conscientiousness (Constraint)

8 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Unconscious Mental Processes

9 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Unconscious Id Pleasure Principle Primary-process Thinking

10 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Unconscious Preconscious Conscious Ego Reality Principle Secondary-process Thinking Id Pleasure Principle Primary-process Thinking

11 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Unconscious Preconscious Conscious Ego Reality Principle Secondary-process Thinking Superego Moral Imperatives Id Pleasure Principle Primary-process Thinking

12 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Holds Urges in Check With Reality Holds Urges in Check With Morality EGO IDSuperego Gratify Urges Immediately

13 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Intrapsychic Conflict (Between Id, Ego, and Superego) Anxiety Reliance on Defense Mechanisms

14 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Five Psychosocial Stages: 1. Oral 2. Anal 3. Phallic 4. Latency 5. Genital

15 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Erotic Focus Key Tasks and Experience Stage Approximate Age Oral0-1Mouth (Sucking, Biting)Weaning (From Breast or Bottle)Anal2-3 Anus (Expelling or Retaining Feces) Toilet Training Phallic4-5Genitals (Masturbating) Identifying with Adult Role Models; Coping With Oedipal Crisis Latency6-12 None (Sexually Repressed) Expanding Social Contracts GenitalPuberty Onward Genitals (Being Sexually Intimate) Establishing Intimate Relationships; Contributing to Society Through Working

16 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Carl Jung

17 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Personal UnconsciousConscious Collective Unconscious Person A Person B Person C

18 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Alfred Adler

19 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Unconscious Preconscious Conscious Ego Reality Principle Secondary-process Thinking Id Pleasure Principle Primary-process Thinking Superego Moral Imperatives How to Test?

20 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality B.F. Skinner

21 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Stimulus Situation Large party where you know relatively few people R1R1 R2R2 R3R3 R4R4 Operant Response Tendencies Circulate, speaking to others only if they approach you first Stick close to the people you already know Politely withdraw by getting wrapped up in a host’s book collection Leave at the first opportunity

22 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Albert Bandura

23 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Response Bargain Assertively Rewarding Stimulus Presented Good Buy on Car

24 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Carl Rogers

25 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Self-conceptActual Experience Congruence Self-conceptActual Experience Incongruence

26 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Physiological Needs Safety and Security Needs Belongingness and Love Needs Esteem Needs Cognitive Needs Aesthetic Needs Need For Self-actualization

27 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Characteristics of Self-actualizing People Spontaneity, simplicity, and naturalness Autonomy, independence of culture and environment Feelings of kinship and identification with the human race Balance between polarities in personality, etc.

28 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Hans Eysenck

29 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Higher-order Trait Traits Habitual Responses Specific Responses Extraversion SociableLivelyActiveAssertive Sensation- seeking

30 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality AltruismEmpathyAggressiveness.60 Correlation of Scores Type of Interfering Material Identical TwinsFraternal Twins

31 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality.70 Correlation of Scores -.10 Fraternal Twins Reared Together Fraternal Twins Reared Apart Identical Twins Reared Together Identical Twins Reared Apart.50.60 Positive EmotionalityNegative EmotionalityConstraint

32 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Evolutionary Perspective: Traits conductive to reproductive fitness

33 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Need to Defend Cultural Worldview Need to Enhance Feelings of Self-Esteem Self-preservation Instinct Awareness of the Inevitability of Death Anxiety Buffer Potential for Death-related Anxiety and Terror

34 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality T-scores on Personality Traits 40 45 50 55 60 How Canadians View National Character NEOAC Neuroticism Extraversion OpennessAgreeableness Conscientiousness Actual Trait Scores For Canadians

35 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Mother Self Father Sibling Co-worker Friend

36 Nature of Personality Psychodynamic Perspectives Behavioral Perspectives Humanistic Perspectives Biological Perspectives Terror Management Theory Culture and Personality Mother Self Father Sibling Co-worker Friend

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