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Instructional Plan Template | Slide 1 AET/515 Instructional Plan Template Dohnyale Palmer.

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1 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 1 AET/515 Instructional Plan Template Dohnyale Palmer

2 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 2 Instructional Plan Template Instructions This is the template for creating your instructional plan throughout this course, which follows ADDIE instructional design practices. (Note: Review all slides in this template before you begin.) Follow the instructions provided on each slide for the three parts of this assignment. You will need to add your content to this template as defined below for each week. In addition, you will need to submit the entire template for each due date so that the instructor is able to view your work from previous weeks. Remember to remove the instructions within this template when you submit the various pieces of your our instructional plan. For your Week Three assignment, complete slides: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9 For your Week Five assignment, complete slides: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15 For your Week Six assignment, complete slides: 16, 17, 18, 19, & 20

3 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 3 Part I – Analysis and Design of Instruction Complete the following sections: –Needs Assessment – slide 4 –Instructional Goal – slide 5 –Performance-Based Objectives – slide 6 –Summative Assessment and Learning Outcomes – slide 7 –Learner Characteristics – slide 8 –Learning Context – slide 9 Note: You may add additional slides if necessary. PART I Template Instructions

4 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 4 Needs Assessment (Insert your answers to the questions below.) 1.The opportunity that is being presented is to create a work readiness assessment based program for older youth and adults. 2. Structured educational plans that only fit one purpose to only teach the skills but not how to prepare for the finished product or initial workplace environment. 3. A course that should be available would be one that teaches these individuals the importance of goal setting, job hunting, first impressions, confidence on the job, and professionalism in the workplace. 4.The Gap between would be analysis shows that there is only focus on the training portion of the on the job training which is once an individual has gotten the job or the educational accreditation that needed to know before obtaining a job. 5.The orientation process should include the teaching of what is necessary for searching, and obtaining employment should be implemented throughout all programs.

5 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 5 Instructional Goal (After reading the information below, delete and insert one instructional goal.) The learners should be able to set goals, hunt for jobs, know how to make a first impression, have confidence on the job, and manage workplace and personal life. In order to measure if the instructional goal has been achieved each student will have to meet the assessment based goals of the implemented program in order for the program to be deemed successful. The learning objectives of this course is to insure the independence as well as the confidence of the student when looking for and obtaining work. The assessments of this program is to assure that materials taught in this course has been retained by the student and can be put into implementation.

6 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 6 Performance-Based Objectives (After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.) The young adult as well as the adult learner will be able to accurately implement the steps to become successful in their search for employment as well as after obtaining said employment. The student is to be able to perform on a professional level. The student will have to implement all learning tools in mock assessments (role playing). The student must be able to implement all procedures and this must be shown in assessment portion of training.

7 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 7 Summative Assessment and Learning Outcomes (After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.) Paper and oral assessments of materials learned in classroom will be conducted on weekly basis. Mock interviews will be conducted as well as workplace and personal hardships will be created for student to use skills learned to solve issue.

8 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 8 Learner Characteristics (After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.) The learner’s characteristics consist of young adults ages 18 to 21 and Adult learners ages 21 and up of all cultural backgrounds who are entering the work place for the first time or returning after being laid off or after injury. Specific characteristics: prerequisite skills, learner attitudes or aptitudes There are no specific characteristics, prerequisites or skills; however students who attend the class has to be willing to learn and keep up with course learning's. Adult learners tend to use past experiences to relate to their educational experience and tend to learn at a slower pace than young adult learners, young adult learners tend to become impatient with the older adult learner and might become frustrated. Growth, success, problem solving and confidence in administering self independence.

9 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 9 This section includes the following: The intended instructional setting for this course will be a conventional classroom setting with desks for individuals to sit in and a chalk board and projector for students to view materials. The intended application setting for these skills to be implemented is in a workplace setting as well as outside the workplace. The conventional classroom setting will provide an adequate learning space for the adult learner, the chalkboard and the projector is an element that will allow the instructor to teach class materials. Learning Context (After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.)

10 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 10 For your Week Five assignment, you will complete the development and implementation phase of ADDIE. Part II – Development and Implementation of Instruction Complete the following sections: –Delivery Modality – slide 11 –Instructional Strategies – slide 12 –Plan for Implementation – slide 13 –Instructional Resources – slide 14 –Formative Assessment – slide 15 Note: You may add additional slides if necessary. Please read before proceeding with this section!! PART II Template Instructions

11 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 11 Delivery Modality (After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.) The delivery modality that will be displayed within the conventional classroom setting will be an Instructor-led course. The instructor will be in control of the course materials as well as communications with their students. The instructor led course will allow the student the opportunity to interact on a physical level with their instructor which allows them the control to personally ask the important questions to better understand the materials.

12 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 12 Instructional Strategies (After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.) The instructional content of this class setting will be to teach adult students general education for their GED subjects like Math, English, History, and Science. These subjects will be taught in a sequence of days and it will be taught in a traditional teaching method. In order to teach the materials needed in this course it will be taught with a direct, experimental, and interactional instruction. These methods will allow the student the opportunity to feel involved in their learning process.

13 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 13 Plan for Implementation (After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.) This is a three month course that will start March 3,2014 and end May 30, 2014 at Brooklyn Adult School Monday through Friday 6:00 PM-9:00 PM. The classroom environment will consist of the Instructor, Adult learners ranging in ages from 18 – 21 and up. Materials that are needed for this classroom are textbooks that teach the curriculum of the class, syllabus, testing supplies, handouts for studying as well as for homework assignments and teaching plan needs to be set up for each week’s lesson. The implementation of the this plan will be administered by the instructor using a careful educational plan, worksheets, teaching maunals, computer programs and, educational videos of various subjects. These materials will be presented to adult learning individuals five days a week four hours a day to participants who have enrolled through the adult school registration.

14 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 14 Instructional Resources (After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.) The supplies that would be needed to implement this plan successfully would be a white board, as well as some computer generated programs that better assist with subjects such as; math, science, reading. Learning videos would also be used to better assist with subjects like History and a projector screen would help out with supplemental information to better assist the students.

15 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 15 Formative Assessment (After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.) One of the five formative assessments that I would include would be the Questioning process because it would allow the students the opportunity for a deeper thinking experience. The second would be the Constructive Quizzes which can measure the learning process and how the information is being conveyed and received by the student and instruction can be adjusted upon results. Third is Discussion this process can tell the instructor about the understand aspect of the student and how they are conveying the information being taught. Fourth assessment would be the Think Pair Share this gives the instructor the opportunity to share information with the student allow them to think about it and talk about it between each other and then share their ideas with the rest of the class. The last formative assessment is Visual Representation this method allows the student the opportunity to see what it is they are learning so that they are able to understand fully what they are doing.

16 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 16 PART III Template Instructions Please read before proceeding with this section!! For your Week Six assignment you will complete the evaluation phase of ADDIE. Part III– Evaluation of Instruction Complete the following sections: – Evaluation Strategies – slide 17 – Outcome Review – slide 18 – Recommendations – slide 19 – References – slide 20 Note: You may add additional slides if necessary.

17 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 17 Although there are many different types of evaluation strategies that could be used for classroom productivity and one of the methods I would use would be a student survey. I find this method helpful because it allows the student the opportunity to rate how the instructor is doing as well as how the student feels about the class instruction and materials being resented in class. It allows the student the opportunity to have a voice about the materials as well as their instructional environment allowing the instructor the opportunity to change materials that need to be changed for the success of the instructional design. Evaluation Strategies (After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.)

18 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 18 Outcome Review (After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.) To identify criteria for examining that design goals a rubric is something that I would use because it is a visual assessment of how far you are with the design. This method allows you to break things up and categorize things that have been done, things that need to be done, as well as things that will still need to be incorporated in the future.

19 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 19 Recommendations (After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.) The future use of this plan is something that could be used to make sure the instructional design has room to be corrected as well as improved over time. The recommendations is a show of your work and how well you are able to put a plan together.

20 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 20 References (After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.) Brown, A., & Green, T. D. (2010). The Essentials of Instructional Design: Connecting Fundamental Principals with Process& Practice (2nd ed.). East Carolina, NC: Pearson. Design Practices Retrieved January 16, 2014 Experiencing E-Learning design/ Retrieved January 6, 2014 design/ Instructional Design Retrieved December 28, 2013 Instructional Design Primer design-principles-a-primer Retrieved January 22,2014 design-principles-a-primer Instructional Design Principals 2012/cep811/session-1-july-8th-9th/instructional-design-principles/ Retrieved January 22, 2014 2012/cep811/session-1-july-8th-9th/instructional-design-principles/

21 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 21 Template End You have completed the three parts of the instructional plan assignment. To complete your Week Six assignment be sure to submit your entire template reflecting sections I, II, III, and the Reference slide. To finalize your instructional plan, remember to remove slides 2, 3, 10, and 16. Your final presentation should only reflect the three sections of your instructional plan. The instructions within this template should be removed. Note: Students must upload the final completed Instructional Plan (Parts I, II, and III) to their personal Presentation Portfolio in TaskStream. (This is required.)

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