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Matthew Farrellee Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison Condor and Web Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew Farrellee Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison Condor and Web Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matthew Farrellee Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison Condor and Web Services

2 2 Outline › Current “API” › What are Web Services and SOAP? › Benefits of a Condor SOAP API › Functionality and examples › State of the implementation › Future features

3 3 Current “API” › Use command-line tools directly › Applications use command-line tools via system calls

4 4 What are web services? › Applications accessible typically over HTTP using SOAP and XML › Standards exist for  discovery of services  description of application interfaces (WSDL)  communication mechanisms (RPC)  and many other things

5 5 What is SOAP? › Simple Object Access Protocol › Mechanism for doing RPC using XML  typically over HTTP › A World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard

6 6 Benefits of a Condor SOAP API › Condor becomes a service  Can be accessed with standard web service tools › Condor accessible from platforms where its command-line tools are not supported › Talk to Condor with your favorite language and SOAP toolkit

7 7 Condor SOAP API in the wild › Condor called from Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) workflows (LBL) › Portal providing web interface to Condor pools (Indiana University)

8 8 Condor SOAP API functionality › Submit jobs › Retrieve job output › Remove/hold/release jobs › Query machine status › Query job status

9 9 Getting machine status via SOAP Your program SOAP library queryStartdAds() condor_collector Machine List SOAP over HTTP

10 10 Getting machine status via SOAP (in Java with Axis) locator = new CondorCollectorLocator(); collector = locator.getcondorCollector(new URL(“http://machine:port”)); ads = collector. queryStartdAds (“Memory>512“); Because we give you WSDL information you don’t have to write any of these functions.

11 11 Submitting jobs 1.Begin transaction 2.Create cluster 3.Create job 4.Send files 5.Describe job 6.Commit transaction Two phase commit for reliability } Wash, rinse, repeat

12 12 Current implementation › Working prototype exists › Expected release in 6.7 series

13 13 Future features › Support for authenticated access › Support for notification › Becoming a grid service

14 14 Questions?

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