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 I will be able to identify various training principles.  I will be able to identify various training methods.  I will be able to identify three energy.

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Presentation on theme: " I will be able to identify various training principles.  I will be able to identify various training methods.  I will be able to identify three energy."— Presentation transcript:


2  I will be able to identify various training principles.  I will be able to identify various training methods.  I will be able to identify three energy systems of the body.


4  Makes the body more efficient  Makes the body better able to perform certain tasks  Can make the human machine more effective  We can run faster, jump higher, and throw further


6  The F.I.T.T Principle  The Principle of Overload  The Principle of Progression  The Principle of Specificity (or S.A.I.D.)  The Principle of Individual Differences  The Principle of Reversibility  The Principle of Diminishing Returns

7  The four building blocks of exercise prescription  F = Frequency  I = Intensity  T= Type  T= Time

8  the number of training sessions per week spent training  general guideline is 3-5 times/week  determination of frequency depends greatly on the athlete’s level of fitness, athletic aspirations, and type of training

9  how hard the individual must work  taken as a percentage of the individual’s maximal aerobic and anaerobic power  general guideline is 50%-100% of the athlete’s maximal ability/effort  Intensity is also altered by changing the rest time

10  amount of time spent in a single training session  depends on the athlete’s level of fitness, athletic aspirations, and type of training

11  Refers to the type of training method used  depends on the athlete’s level of fitness, athletic aspirations, and sport or activity for which he or she is training

12  For physiological change, the body must perform tasks that are more challenging than those to which it is accustomed  Over time the body will adapt, therefore in order to continue to grow, new demands must be incorporated  Overload can include all aspects of training, i.e., physiological, emotional, mental, and psychological

13  In order to constantly improve, an athlete must progressively increase the overload over time  The athlete must be aware that loads and demands on the body must occur over time to increase performance and decrease injury

14  In order for specific outcomes to occur, training must be specific to those outcomes  Specific muscle adaptations will occur if training is specific  Training must reflect athlete’s “game situation needs”

15  Every athlete has a different physical and psychological makeup › Pre-training fitness levels › Requirements within their sport › Age and gender › Ability to recover from workouts › Ability to recover from injury › Body Type

16  “Use it or lose it”  Muscles will start to lose training effects as soon as training stops  Atrophy will occur during sustained periods without training  Significant training benefits can be lost after 2 weeks of not training – i.e. Christmas Break  Reasons include: injury, lack of motivation, overtraining, and burnout

17  A person’s training gains will reflect that person’s prior level of training  Individuals who do not train or train very little will see significant gains  Highly trained individuals will see little gains as they experience performance plateaus  Changing training programs and philosophy are ways to help prevent performance plateaus


19  Interval training  Fartlek training  Resistance training  Plyometric training  Continuous Intensity Training (C.I.T)

20  Can benefit both anaerobic and aerobic systems  Alternating periods of intensity within a given workout  Great for lactic acid training threshold  Manipulates length of intense period, its intensity, length of rest, and number of repetitions

21  Means “speed play”  Basically the same as interval, without rigid numerical control  Athletes change variables according to terrain or how they feel  Speed up or slow down when you want  Generally used for aerobic training

22  “Stretch-shortening exercises”  Examples include: bounding, hopping, jumping, box jumps, box drills  Used to develop speed and power  Caution: should not be used until athletes have a solid aerobic and anaerobic base. Children should also avoid intense plyometric routines.

23  Lifting weights is the most common form  Weight provides resistance to muscles  Best way to promote hypertrophy  Broken down into number of: sets, repetitions, rest, tempo (speed of repetition), loads, and volume

24  Form of Aerobic or Anaerobic Lactic Training  Completed for longer periods at the same intensity (aerobic) or simply without prescribed rest intervals (lactic)  For Example:  Run 5 km for time  As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes (AMRAP) of 5 pushups, 10 sit-ups, 15 body weight squats  Depending on intensity can be used as an active recovery workout day

25  Stretching › Leads to muscles which are less prone to injury › 3 types: Ballistic, Static and PNF  Warm-up › Helps to gradually prepare body for training intensity › Prevents early onset of fatigue  Cool-down › Helps to gradually return from training intensity › Helps to remove lactic acid

26  Rest and recovery › Needs to be incorporated into all training programs to allow for proper growth and healing › Does not necessarily mean doing nothing  Sleep › Helps to regenerate body systems › In children, promotes growth › Allows for more efficient functioning during waking hours


28 The three energy systems available… 1) Anaerobic alactic 2) Anaerobic lactic 3) Aerobic  The ultimate goal of each energy system is to produce useable energy (ATP) that your muscles can use  Each system has certain limitations and strengths  Training can be incorporated to either enhance one or all energy systems, depending on the athlete’s needs

29  Trains strength or speed  High speed explosive movements, generally 85%-100% of maximal effort/ability lasting up to 10 seconds of continuous work (speed)  Able to handle up to 60 seconds of total work per set of repetitions (5-6) (strength)  Long rest periods between sets/intervals to allow for ATP regeneration › For interval / plyometric training which trains speed / power use the Work to Rest Ratio of 1:5-6 › For resistance training which trains strength rest for 3- 4 minutes between sets  Need aerobic base in order to train properly

30  Trains muscular endurance and improves lactic acid threshold  High speed movements, generally 75%-85% of maximal effort/ability lasting 10 secs to 2 mins  For interval training use the Work to Rest ratio of 1 – 2 or 3, › max interval length 2 minutes, 1 min is recommended › max rest is 4 minutes between sets › total workout duration is 20 minutes  For CIT training create workouts that last between 10 – 20 minutes  Total work dependent on athletes fitness and Lactic Acid threshold  Need aerobic base in order to train properly

31  Trains cardiovascular system  Repetitive movements, generally 50%-75% of maximal effort/ability  For interval training use the Work to Rest Ratio of 1 – 0.5 or1 › max interval length 2 minute › max interval rest therefore is 2 minutes › total workout duration is 30 minutes  For CIT or Fartlek training workouts should last a minimum of 30 minutes  Total work dependent on athletes aerobic fitness

32  I will be able to identify various training principles.  I will be able to identify various training methods.  I will be able to identify three energy systems of the body.

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