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Development of the marketing plan for attraction of foreign investments to the enterprise Smyrnov Oleg.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of the marketing plan for attraction of foreign investments to the enterprise Smyrnov Oleg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of the marketing plan for attraction of foreign investments to the enterprise Smyrnov Oleg

2 Structure: 1.Theoretically-methodical aspects of the foreign investments research 2.Evaluation of the investing activity of agriculture enterprises in terms of LLC “Agro-Ros” 3.Development of the marketing plan for attraction of foreign investments

3 The object of the study is LLC "Agro-Ros.” The object of research is the investment activity of the enterprise. The are methods of the economical research, abstract-logical (theoretical generalizations and conclusions forming), cash and constructive, tabular and graphic ways to display economic information; methods of the theoretical research, comparison, analysis. Scientific novelty of the results The practical significance of the results Information base of research

4 THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF BUSINESS CLIMATE RESEARCH Economical nature and role of foreign capital using in the country of the recipient Types and Forms of Foreign Investment Evaluation of foreign investment by the host country Features of the foreign capital flows to Ukraine: geographical and branch structure

5 Assessment of investment activities agricultural enterprises on the example of "Agro-Ros" General characteristics of LLC "Agro-Ros” Evaluation of management and financial conditions of LLC "Agro-Ros” Investigation of managing competitive products of LLC “Agro-ros” Analyze of investment privacy LLC “Agro-Ros” for foreign investors

6 Development of the marketing plan for attraction of foreign investments Development of the strategies for effective management of competitiveness for goods The effectiveness of the competitiveness increasing strategies for LLC "Agro-Ros" products to improve foreign investment activity

7 Conclusions and recommendations The world practice claims that it is very difficult to make economic structure rebuilding, to minimize technical and technological weakness of the national economy and to reach the home products competitiveness on the world market. Moreover, productive using of the foreign investments is the special part of the world capital movement and realize by means of the private investors’ capitals who are interested in to get the highest revenue level from the investments

8 Tank you for attention

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