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Session 5: Unpicking Effective Learning NQTP: Newly Qualified Teachers Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 5: Unpicking Effective Learning NQTP: Newly Qualified Teachers Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 5: Unpicking Effective Learning NQTP: Newly Qualified Teachers Programme.

2 Learning Journey Pen Portraits Draw the person next to you ( 1 minute only ) Mind mapping What is the difference between effective teaching and learning ? Look at a range of strategies and rate their impact. Towards a definition Teaching is.... Learning is.... What’s the difference ? Extension models from “POC” Coffee Teaching and learning Model Using the Accelerated learning Cycle Cards (ALPS Approach ) Reflection and Audit sentences Reflection and Discussion, complete the learning logs Lunch Unpicking Learning In groups look at the examples they have brought using the learning cycle Use DR ICE to unpick the examples of effective learning. Positive/ Negative / Interesting ? New Learning TASC Wheel How can this move your practice on ? WWW/ EBI Post Sessional Tasks.

3 Pen Portraits You have 1 minute to Draw the person next to you.

4 Personal Reflection How did you feel during this ? In What ways is this like teaching? More importantly in what ways is this like learning ? How did you feel ? What was the greatest challenge ? Why is empathy so important when working with children?

5 Comfort Zones Where the magic happens! Your Comfort Zone Learning Is about being outside your comfort zone. But this can be very uncomfortable.

6 Mind Mapping TeachingLearning Can you create a mind map/ Poster to ex plain to the other groups, the difference between teaching and learning

7 Towards a Definition. Can you write a definition to explain...... What is effective Teaching ? & What is effective Learning ?

8 Teaching is.....

9 Learning is...

10 “about constructing meaning and understanding, it is about students making sense of the world. The emphasis is less on putting information in and more on expanding existing knowledge with the goal of children constructing new knowledge” The social context of learning is also important

11 Learning is... “A Process that occurs in an inter-personal context and is dynamically comprised of factors whose strength is never zero. Those factors have labels such as motivation, attitude, cognition, affect and self regard.”

12 Learning is... Ability to transfer skills into different disciplines Ability to transfer skills into different disciplines Harnessing curiosity Harnessing curiosity Meta-learning Meta-learning Making sense of something Making sense of something Thinking Thinking Processing and understanding Processing and understanding Building on prior learning Building on prior learning

13 Further Thinking...

14 SDP S shallow D deep P profound

15 CSP Ccomfort Sstretch Ppanic

16 CSP A awareness A action A achievement

17 Coffee Break

18 Create a Teaching and Learning Model.

19 Audit Sentences  Do you encourage ‘Success for All’ use positive language and raise self-esteem within a ‘can do’ culture?  Do you use personalised learning opportunities? (including VAK, key skills and multiple- intelligences)  Do you have regard for children’s age-appropriate retention rates and use them effectively?  Do you build in opportunities for talk-partners, group work, peer mentoring and other active learning techniques?  Do you give the ‘big picture’ and link the learning? (eg mind mapping etc.)  Is your learning relevant to the children, and do you link it so that children can make effective connections?  Do you match learning to the pupils’ prior attainment and interests?  Do you combine subject and skill development with challenge and interest?

20 Audit Sentences  Do you encourage the children to prioritise, organise, discuss, brainstorm and collaborate?  Do you use ICT as a scaffold/ strategy to support your learning?  Do you use tease/ hooks to grab learners’ attention?  Do you use props/ kinaesthetic approaches to enhance learning activities and sessions?  Do you use humour to create longevity of learning?  Do you utilise open-ended questions effectively?  Do you use strategies to promote thinking? ( Debono’s hats etc)  Do you create independent learning, and a culture of enquiry?  Do children undertake personal projects, which are scaffolded with learning strategies

21 The Accelerated Learning Cycle (A. Smith ) Connect the Learning The BIG Picture Describe the outcomes Input/ introduction ActivityDemonstrate Review for recall and retention Create the supportive learning environment High Challenge vs Low Stress High Challenge vs Low Stress

22 Lunch Break

23 Unpicking Learning In groups look at your examples of learning and consider: How do they reflect the learning cycle? Use DR ICE to unpick your learning examples.

24 Solving problems : T.A.S.C. In what ways is this a useful problem solving model? How can using this move your practice on ? Discussion

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