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1 Servlets Part 2 Representation and Management of Data on the Web.

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1 1 Servlets Part 2 Representation and Management of Data on the Web

2 2 Servlets and Cookies

3 3 Cookies Cookies are a general mechanism that server-side applications can use to both store and retrieve long-term information on the client side Servers send cookies in the HTTP response and browsers are expected to save and to send the cookie back to the Server, whenever they make additional requests to the Server

4 4 Java Servlet API provides comfortable mechanisms to handle cookies The class javax.servlet.http.Cookie represents a cookie -Getter methods: getName(), getValue(), getPath(), getDomain(), getMaxAge(), getSecure() … -Setter methods: setValue(), setPath(), setDomain(), setMaxAge() … The domain to which the cookie is attached Servlets and Cookies API Kind of expiration date The path (prefix) to which the cookie is attached Send cookies on secure connections only or on any connection Read more about the Cookie ClassCookie Class

5 5 Servlets and Cookies API (cont) Get the cookies from the servlet request: Cookie[] HttpServletRequest.getCookies() Add a cookie to the servlet response: HttpServletResponse.addCookie(Cookie cookie)

6 6 An Example Insert your Name What is your name? getname.html

7 7 An Example (cont) public class WelcomeBack extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { String user = req.getParameter("username"); if (user == null) { // Find the "username" cookie Cookie[] cookies = req.getCookies(); for (int i = 0; cookies != null && i < cookies.length; ++i) { if (cookies[i].getName().equals("username")) user = cookies[i].getValue(); } } else res.addCookie(new Cookie("username", user)); Look for “username” cookie If “user” parameter was sent, create a “username” cookie Look for “username” parameter in the query

8 8 An Example (cont) if (user == null) // No parameter and no cookie res.sendRedirect("getname.html"); res.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); out.println(" Welcome Back " + user + " "); } Run /dbi/welcomeback twice or more. Check the sent headers/dbi/welcomeback Delay setting the ContentType until it’s clear that a content should be sent at all

9 9 Session Management with Servlets

10 10 Sessions – A Reminder HTTP is stateless But some web applications need states (e.g. online stores) A session captures the notion of a continuous interaction between a server and a client Session management should be efficient -The client should not send the whole shopping cart every time a single product is added We’ll discuss 2 mechanisms -Session Cookies -URL rewriting

11 11 Session Cookies Web browser 1 Web server request Servlet id 1 response put cookie id 1 response Create Session id 1

12 12 Session Cookies Web browser 2 Web server request Servlet id 1 response put cookie id 2 response Create Session id 2

13 13 Session Cookies Web server request Servlet id 1 response request Cookie: id 1 id 2 Session read/write Web browser 1 id 1

14 14 Session Cookies Web server request Servlet id 1 response request Cookie: id 2 id 2 Session read/write Web browser 2 id 2

15 15 sessionId list The lists are kept on the server side The cookies are kept on the client side

16 16 Here’s an example that demonstrates the session is attached to a specific application: 1.Two new applications are available – test1, test2 2.Read the code of /test1/test1.jsp/test1/test1.jsp 3.Read the code of /test2/test2.jsp/test2/test2.jsp 4.Run /test1/test1.jsp, and use the links to go to the other application’s JSP and back several time. Notice that 2 session-cookies are set by the server, one for every application./test1/test1.jsp 5.Invalidate any of the application’s session and notice that the other application is still valid A Session is attached to an Application

17 17 Accessing the Session Data The session object is represented by the class HttpSession Use the methods HttpServletRequest.getSesssion() or HttpServletRequest.getSesssion(true) within doXXX to get the current HttpSession object, or to create one if it doesn’t exist -Only when a new session is created, the server automatically add a session cookie to the response (set-cookie header) -As a result you must call this method before the response is committed Use HttpServletRequest.getSesssion(false) if you do not want to create a new session when no session exists

18 18 HttpSession Methods Session data is accessed in a hash-table fashion: -setAttribute(String name,Object value) -Where is this value stored (server-side or client-side)? -Object getAttribute(String name) More methods: -removeAttribute() -isNew() -getId() -Enumeration getAttributeName() -getCreationTime(), getLastAccessedTime() True iff there’s an active session which the client hasn’t joined yet. That is: The server created a session and sent session-cookie This session timeout was not reached, No response from the client containing this session- cookie was received A unique session ID assigned by the servlet container Read more about the HttpSession InterfaceHttpSession Interface

19 19 Session Expiration – Client side Session may expire because of client-side reasons -The client agent runs on another process -Session cookie has expired (exceeded max-age) -Client used external links (writing the URL explicitly in the address-bar) instead of the server’s rewritten ones Unless the session-cookie has max-age and you manage to open another browser before max-age expired. For example open http://localhost/dbi/session?timeout=100&reload=50&maxage=20 http://localhost/dbi/session?timeout=100&reload=50&maxage=20 Close your browser and open a new one with this URL again… We’ll discuss the code in few more slides Applies to URL-Rewriting. If the client is using cookies, external links should raise no problem. (The session-cookie will be sent, though only to URLs under the path like always…)

20 20 Session Expiration – Server side Server calls session.invalidate() -User asked to logout Session idle time has passed - You can also set/get the timeout of a specific session and override the server default values using session.getMaxInactiveInterval(), session.setMaxInactiveInterval() 10 web.xml Timeout is given in minutes. A zero or negative value means infinite timeout webapps/myApp/WEB-INF/web.xml

21 21 Session Expiration Example public class SessionTester extends HttpServlet { private int nReloads = 1; public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { int timeout = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("timeout")); int refresh = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("reload")); int maxage = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("maxage")); HttpSession session = request.getSession(); #Reloads (#GET request) with the same session Either find an existing session which the client already accepted its session-cookie and sent it back in a request, OR create a new session and send a session cookie Read request paramters

22 22 if (session.isNew()) { session.setMaxInactiveInterval(timeout); nReloads = 1; Cookie newCookie = new Cookie("JSESSIONID", session.getId()); newCookie.setMaxAge(maxage); newCookie.setPath(request.getContextPath()); response.reset(); response.addCookie(newCookie); } else { ++nReloads; } response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); Date found = (Date)session.getAttribute("lastdate"); Date now = new Date(); Reset counter Create a new cookie identical to the old one and set client-side limits on the session using the max-age Search for “lastdate” in the session. This attribute value is the session’s creation date Only if a new session was created Delete the headers containing the old cookie and add the new cookie Advance the counter Set server-side limits on session

23 23 out.println(" Session Tester "); out.println(" \n"); out.println(" "); Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); for (int i = 0; cookies != null && i < cookies.length; ++i) { out.println(" Client sent cookie : " + cookies[i].getName() + " = " + cookies[i].getValue() + " \n"); } if ((cookies == null) || (cookies.length) == 0) { out.println(" Client sent no cookies \n");} Set the refresh rate Print the request cookies Or print there no cookies…

24 24 if (session.isNew()) { out.println(" (New) Session ID = " + session.getId() + " \n");} else { out.println(" Session ID = " + session.getId() + " \n");} out.println(" Session max inactive interval = " + session.getMaxInactiveInterval() + " \n"); out.println(" Current date = " + now + " \n"); if (found == null) {session.setAttribute("lastdate", now); out.println(" No lastdate found in session \n");} else {out.println(" Found in session lastdate = " + found + " \n");} out.println(" #Responses with this session = " + nReloads + " \n"); out.println(" "); } Print the session ID and declare if it’s a new one Set the new session’s creation date

25 25 Running the example 1.Run http://localhost/dbi/session.html with timeout=10, reload=5, max-age=20. notice that the set-cookie isn’t sent in the response unless a new session is createdhttp://localhost/dbi/session.html 2.Rerun with timeout=20, reload=5, max-age=10 3.Now deny to the servlet cookies modification request. Check the sent request headers, notice that in the next reload the server will ask again to set the session-cookie with a new session ID 4.Run http://localhost/dbi/session?timeout=100&reload=50&maxage=100 Run notice that a new session is created since the HOST string is different even tough is the IP of localhosthttp://localhost/dbi/session?timeout=100&reload=50&maxage=100http:// 5.Run http://localhost/dbi/session2?timeout=100&reload=5 This is a similar code without the explicit new cookie creation and max-age feature. Deny to save the session-cookie and notice that you’ll be asked to save a session-cookie after every reload Conclude that the call getSession() itself creates a new set-cookie header if no session was accepted by the user, and not the header manipulation code in which purpose is to set the max-age cookie propertyhttp://localhost/dbi/session2?timeout=100&reload=5 If the client denies, it will not send this cookie on the following requests

26 26 Example: A Basic Shopping Cart In the following example a basic shopping cart for an online store is implemented The application consists of two Servlets: the main store site handles cart manipulation

27 27 Online-Store Example public class Store extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { res.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); out.println(" " + "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"" + " href=\"cartstyle.css\"/> "); HttpSession session = req.getSession(); if (session.getAttribute("item-list") == null) { out.println(" Hello new visitor! "); session.setAttribute("item-list", new LinkedList()); } List itemList = (List) session.getAttribute("item-list");

28 28 Online-Store Example (cont) out.println(" Your Shopping Cart: "); for (Iterator it = itemList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) out.println(" " + + " "); out.println(" "); out.println(" Add item: " + " " + " <input type=\"submit\" value=\"empty cart\" " + "name=\"clear\"/> "); out.println(" "); } 2 buttons of type submit and therefore they are named (the 2 nd one), so the servlet can identify which one was pressed on

29 29 Online-Store Example (cont) public class ShoppingCart extends HttpServlet { public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { res.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); List items = (List) req.getSession().getAttribute("item-list"); out.println(" <link rel=\"stylesheet\"" + " type=\"text/css\" href=\"cartstyle.css\"/>" + " ");

30 30 Online-Store Example (cont) if (req.getParameter("clear") != null) { items.clear(); out.println(" Your Shopping Cart is Empty! "); } else { String item = req.getParameter("item"); items.add(item); out.println(" The item " + item + " was added to your cart. "); } out.println(" Return to the store "); out.println(" "); }}

31 31 URL Rewriting Cookies might cause some security risk -Would you really like any server to put files claimed to be “cookies” on you computer ? -A computer is being used by multiple users User A buys some products User B comes right after user A finished working Cookies are kept as local files User B can read the private content of A’s cookies Solution 1 -Use session cookies instead of other cookies so that B can only read the session ID -But B can still read the domain and the path Solution 2 -Use URL-rewriting

32 32 URL Rewriting Web browser Web server request Servlet id 1 response Create Session … … The domain and path are not sent with the rewritten URLs, since the sesion-ID is attached to the URL only as long as the user follows inner links. If the user writes a complete URL in the address-bar he/she will probably won’t copy the session-ID part

33 33 URL Rewriting Web server request Servlet id 1 response request (no cookie) id 2 Session read/write Web browser 1 GET servletURL;sessID=id 1 HTTP/1.0 … …

34 34 Servlet URL Rewriting Use the following methods of the doXXX response object to rewrite URLs: -String HttpServletResponse.encodeURL(String url) Use for HTML hyperlinks -String HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL(String url) Use for HTTP redirections These methods contain the logic to determine whether the session ID needs to be encoded in the URL For example, if the request has a cookie, then url is returned unchanged Some servers implement the two methods identically

35 35 Back to our Store The Store example assumes that the client supports cookies To fix the program, we should encode the links we supply: " " “ " Clear the cookies, run again http://localhost/dbi/store, and this time deny saving cookies.http://localhost/dbi/store How does the server knows before the client denies/accepts what to put in the href? Check the first item’s URL sent to /cart and compare to the other items. You could also check compare the source of /store at the 1 st item and on other items

36 36 The Session Listener The session listener reacts to the following events: -A new session has been created -A session is being destroyed To obtain a session listener, implement the interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener Read more about the HttpSessionListener InterfaceHttpSessionListener Interface We’ve already met ContextListeners that react to the events of context creation / destruction…

37 37 Session-Listener Example (cont) public class CartInitializer implements HttpSessionListener { public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent se) { List itemList = new LinkedList(); se.getSession().setAttribute("item-list",itemList); itemList.add("A Free Apple"); } public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent se) {} } CartInitializer web.xml Run again http://localhost/dbi/store, only this time uncomment the listenerhttp://localhost/dbi/store

38 38 The Servlet Context

39 39 Uses of ServletContext For communicating with the Servlet container (e.g., Tomcat server), we use the ServletContext object Obtain a reference to the ServletContext by calling getServletContext() from any doXXX() One context is shared among all Web-application Servlets Can store Web application initialization parameters Can store and manipulate application-shared attributes Can be used to access the logger Can be used to dispatch requests to other resources

40 40 We came across this method in JSP class (application.getInitParameter()) ServletContext Methods Access initialization parameters: getInitParameter(String name), getInitParameterNames() Read Web-application scoped attributes: getAttribute(String name), getAttributeNames() Manipulate Web-application scoped attributes: setAttribute(String, Object), removeAttribute(String) Transform context-relative paths to absolute paths and vice versa: getRealPath(String path), URL getResource(String path) e.g. get the servlet’s class filename from its mapping Run http://localhost/dbi/context.html JNDI = Java Naming and Directory Interfacehttp://localhost/dbi/context.html e.g. get the URL from a static resource (doesn’t work well with servlet-mappings)

41 41 More ServletContext Methods Write to the application log: log(String msg), log(String message, Throwable exception) Get a request dispatcher (discussed later): RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String path) Name and version of the Servlet container: String getServerInfo() Writes also the stack trace $CATALINA_BASE/logs/…

42 42 Note about ServletContext There is a single ServletContext per Web application Different Sevlets will get the same ServletContext object, when calling session,getServletContext() during different sessions You can lock the context (using synchronize ) to protect a critical section from all Web- application accesses Read more about the ServletContext InterfaceServletContext Interface

43 43 The Request Dispatcher

44 44 The Request Dispatcher The RequestDispatcher object is used to send a a client request to any resource on the server Such a resource may be dynamic (e.g. a Servlet or a JSP file) or static (e.g. a HTML document) To send a request to a resource x, use: getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("x") Path must begin with a “/” and is interpreted as relative to the current context root

45 45 Request Dispatcher Methods void forward(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) -Forwards a request from a Servlet to another resource void include(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) -Includes the content of a resource in the response of the current servlet Read more about the RequestDispatcher InterfaceRequestDispatcher Interface

46 46 Passing on Data 3 different ways to pass parameters for the forwarded Servlet or JSP -Data that will be used only for this request: request.setAttribute("key", value); -Data will be used for this client (also for future requests): session.setAttribute("key", value); -Data that will be used in the future for every client context.setAttribute("key", value);

47 47 An Example The Servlet JokesAndImages enables a user to choose a random joke or a random image The server has 5 images in the directory images/ and 5 jokes ( txt files) in the directory jokes/ Empty requests are forwarded to a HTML file that enables the user to choose a joke or an image Requests to a joke are forwarded to the servlet Jokes Requests to an image are forwarded to a random image from the directory images/

48 48 Jokes and Images Images and Jokes Please Select: <input type="submit" name="joke" value="A Joke" /> <input type="submit" name="image" value="An Image" /> imagesJokesOptions.html

49 49 Jokes and Images (cont) public class JokesAndImages extends HttpServlet { public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { int randomNum = 1 + Math.abs((new Random()).nextInt() % 5); if (req.getParameter("joke") != null) { req.setAttribute("jokeNumber", new Integer(randomNum)); getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/Jokes").forward(req,res); } else if (req.getParameter("image") != null) { getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/images/image" + randomNum + ".gif").forward(req, res); } else getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher ("/imagesJokesOptions.html"). forward(req,res); } public void doGet... }}

50 50 Jokes and Images (cont) public class Jokes extends HttpServlet { public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { res.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); out.println(" A Joke "); int jokeNum = ((Integer) req.getAttribute("jokeNumber")).intValue(); getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher ("/jokes/joke" + jokeNum + ".txt").include(req, res); out.println("\n "); out.println(" Back "); out.println(" "); }} Actually since this request was forwarded using a RequestDispatcher the URL reflects the path used to obtain the RD and not the path specified by the client as usual. You can use Javascript to fix this problem. Check http://localhost/dbi/forward1 to understand the problem http://localhost/dbi/forward1

51 51 Forwarding versus Redirection HttpServletResponse.SendRedirect() requires extra communication on part of the client: Why? SendRedirect does not pass the request therefore request’s parameters cannot be obtained easily You can’t reach external resources with RequestDispatcher but you can use SendRedirect SendRedirect ends up with a different URL on the client Which image will be loaded in the following scenario? Servlet /forwardjoke forwards to /jokes/joke1.html and joke1.html contains You can use either the session or the context to pass those parameters Open /dbi/image1.gif, /dbi/jokes/image1.gif, /dbi/jokes/joke1.hmtl, /dbi/forwardjoke and check…/dbi/image1.gif/dbi/jokes/image1.gif/dbi/jokes/joke1.hmtl /dbi/forwardjoke

52 52 Filters

53 53 Filters in Servlet API Filters are used to dynamically intercept requests and responses A filter that applies to a URL u typically acts as follows given a request for u -performs some actions before the processing of u -passes the request handling to the next filter -The last filter passes the request to u itself -performs some actions after the processing of u

54 54

55 55 public class FilterExample implements Filter { public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {... } public void destroy() {... } public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {... chain.doFilter(request, response);... }} Before other elements in way “down” After other elements in way “up”

56 56 Example Filter FilterExample Example Filter /images/* Registering a Filter web.xml You can also add element like we saw in servlets and JSPs.

57 57 What Can we Do with Filters? Examine and log requests Modify request headers and properties Modify the response headers and response data Block requests And more... Open Check the result of calling http://localhost/dbi/images/image1.gif in the server’s logshttp://localhost/dbi/images/image1.gif

58 58 Notes About Filters The order of the filters in the chain is the same as the order that filter mappings appear web.xml The life cycle of filters is similar to that of Servlets Filters typically do not themselves create responses, although they can The request and response arguments of doFilter are actually of type HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse The FilterConfig interface is used to read initialization parameters -Those are set in web.xml

59 59 public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletResponse res = (HttpServletResponse)response; HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest)request; String URI = req.getRequestURI(); if (URI.endsWith(filterConfig.getInitParameter("type")) && (req.getParameter("nofilter") == null)) { res.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); out.println(" ImageFilter "); out.println(" Image filename = " + URI + " \n"); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); } URI is the part of the URL following the http://host:port Only for filetypes with no “nofilter” parameter in the query We have to add the “nofilter” query so that the filter won’t work again on the

60 60 else {chain.doFilter(request, response); }} fImageFilter ImageFilter type.gif fImageFilter /images2/* Default filter chaining. This time next element in the chain is not a filter but the original URL web.xml The Filter applies only to.gif files in /dbi/images/ but not for other files on the same directory such as.txt Open /images2/image1.gif/images2/image1.gif Open /images2/joke1.txt/images2/joke1.txt url-pattern of /images2/*.gif doesn’t work. That’s why we check the suffix in the Java code

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