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Strategy Summary Steering Committee. Discussion Discussion around 1.3.1 and 1.4.0 adoption –Sharing test results –Shorten deployment time –Build use cases.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategy Summary Steering Committee. Discussion Discussion around 1.3.1 and 1.4.0 adoption –Sharing test results –Shorten deployment time –Build use cases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategy Summary Steering Committee

2 Discussion Discussion around 1.3.1 and 1.4.0 adoption –Sharing test results –Shorten deployment time –Build use cases around the people that need the data –Time frames between release of and deployment of new standard

3 Deployment 1.4 Service companies do not expect to deliver 1.4 compliant software before Q4 of 2009 Operators can accept this, main thing is that they stay informed by Service Co’s, so they can prepare when software is becoming available

4 Challenges Basic workflows are still no stable enough Not all business units understand the need for WITSML, welllog object and the various Wireline groups are an example Widescale adoption with the current release will make release of new standard ‘easier’

5 New Release of Standard Will be driven by a business need, i.e. a value add service that we cannot deliver with the current versions At the moment we believe adding new objects to 1.4.0 standards will in most cases suffice.

6 Focus going forward No work on a new version either 1.5.x or 2.0.x Main focus on –Uptake –Reliability –Expand use of objects

7 Uptake Business cases (benefits) for different audiences (drilling operations, IT, etc.) –Cost savings –Non-productive time savings –New information available Write Use Cases to explain the use of WITSML this will drive reliability effort

8 Reliability focus on and 1.4.0 subsequently Stabilization Query templates Certification Server profiles Focus for the next 6 – 12 months for both Technical and Use Case teams

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