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Titanic Quarter “Extraordinary things happen here”

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Presentation on theme: "Titanic Quarter “Extraordinary things happen here”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Titanic Quarter “Extraordinary things happen here”

2 Global Perspective

3 Island Perspective - Demographics

4 Urban Perspective

5 Human Perspective

6 Human Activity

7 Hubs RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY Recreation Creative Media Financial Services Tourism Education Science & Technology LIVE PLAY WORK

8 They are!

9 Before and After?

10 “Nothing happens unless first a dream” Carl August Sandburg (1878 - 1967 American poet, historian, novelist, balladeer and folklorist) Dream

11 Dreams “In dreams begin responsibility” William Butler Yeats (1865 -1939 Irish poet, dramatist, mystic and public figure)

12 “Whatever you can do, or dream, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 –1832 German writer, artist and politician) Boldness

13 Built Environment

14 “We shape our buildings thereafter they shape us” Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill (1874 - 1965 Statesman, Historian, Writer and Artist) Built Environment

15 WISH “For a New Beginning”

16 “Then the delight, when your courage kindled, And out you stepped onto new ground Your eyes young again with energy and dream A path of plenitude opening before you” John O’Donohue “For a New Beginning” (1956 –2008 Irish poet, author, priest, Hegelian philosopher ) New Beginning

17 Platforms/Hubs of Activity 2006-2013 Actual £m 2014-2020 Forecast £m Tourism9525 Financial Services28125 Recreation/Leisure775 Science & Technology3020 Creative Media860 Education7220 Residential and Other11870 Total£358m£395m

18 LIVE – WORK RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY Recreation/ Leisure Creative Media Financial Services Tourism Education Science & Technology LIVE PLAY WORK

19 Numbers per annum200520152025 Residents010007,500 Workers5005,00015,000 Students015,00025,000 Visitors0.01 million1 million2.5 million

20 Sun – Dharmachakra (Wheel of the Law) “From a Lost Past”

21 Titanic Quarter “Extraordinary things happen here”

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