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Unit 1 Dream Homes 用适当的介词填空: 1 You can’t see the ball. It’s ____________ the door. 2 Shall we meet _______________ the gate of the cinema? 3 Is he playing.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Dream Homes 用适当的介词填空: 1 You can’t see the ball. It’s ____________ the door. 2 Shall we meet _______________ the gate of the cinema? 3 Is he playing."— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit 1 Dream Homes

3 用适当的介词填空: 1 You can’t see the ball. It’s ____________ the door. 2 Shall we meet _______________ the gate of the cinema? 3 Is he playing _____________ the street or ____________ the oad ? 4 Are they ____________ a factory or _________ a farm ? 5 I sit _______ the twins. The elder sister is _____ my left and the younger one is ____ my right. 6 The big tree __________ our classroom is nearly 100 years old. 7 The teacher is writing on the blackboard ____ the classroom. 8 There are no apples _________the tree, but there are some birds _________ it. 9 Where are the lamps ? They are ____________ the desks. 10 A plane is flying ___________ the clouds ( 云 ). behind at/outside inon in on between on in front of of on in on above

4 pay RMB Yuan ¥ 598.00 pay RMB Yuan ¥ 12312.00 five hundred and ninety-eight, twelve thousand, three hundred and twelve

5 135 248 365 434 505 789 1,075 2,345 5,005 6,104 12,230 45,401 256,473 123,345 401,040 7,508,327 14,022, 123 135,001,098 Step 2: 听写数词 Three hundred and sixty-fiveTwo hundred and forty-eightOne hundred and thirty-fiveFour hundred and thirty-four Five hundred and five Seven hundred and eighty-nineOne thousand and seventy-fiveTwo thousand, three hundred and forty-five Five thousand and fiveSix thousand, one hundred and fourTwelve thousand, two hundred and thirtyForty-five thousand, four hundred and oneTwo hundred and fifty-six thousand, four hundred and seventy-three One hundred and twenty-three thousand, three hundred and forty-five Four hundred and one thousand and forty seven million, five hundred and eight thousand, three hundred and twenty-seven Fourteen million , twenty-two thousand, one hundred and twenty-three One hundred and thirty-five million , one thousand and ninety-eight

6 序数词 1 = one 1 st = first 2 = two 2 nd = second 3 = three 3 rd = third 4 = four 4 th = fourth 5 = five 5 th = fifth 6 = six 6 th = sixth 7 = seven 7 th = seventh 8 = eight 8 th = eighth 9 = nine 9 th = ninth 10 = ten 10 th = tenth 基数词 Step 3:

7 11 = eleven 11 th = eleventh 12 = twelve 12 th = twelfth 13 = thirteen 13 th = thirteenth 14 = fourteen 14 th =fourteenth 15 = fifteen 15 th = fifteenth 16 = sixteen 16 th =sixteenth 17 = seventeen 17 th = seventeenth 18 = eighteen 18 th =eighteenth 19 = nineteen 19 th =nineteenth 20 = twenty 20 th = twentieth 21 = twenty-one 21 st = twenty-first 22 = twenty-two 22 nd = twenty-second

8 How do you write it? Ordinal numbers 1 st = first10th = 2nd = second11th =eleventh 3rd = third12th =twelfth 4th = fourth13th= 5th = fifth20th =twentieth 6th =21st=twenty-first 7th =22nd= 8th =23rd= 9th =ninth30th= sixth seventh eighth tenth thirteenth twenty-second twenty-third thirtieth

9 Step 4: The rules 基数词变序数词的规律 1 基变序,有规律,末尾加上 th four ---> fourth fourteen ---> fourteenth 2 一二三,特殊记,末尾字母 t,d,d One--->first two --->second three --->third 3 八减 t ,九去 e , f 要把 ve 替 eight ---> eighth nine ---> ninth five ---> fifth; twelve--->twelfth 4 Ty 把 y 变为 i ,莫忘 th 前有个 e twenty--->twentieth forty--->fortieth ninety--->ninetieth 5 如果遇到几十几,只变个位就可以 Twenty-one--->twenty-first Thirty-three--->thirty-third

10 1 、 I can’t wait to see you. can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待地干某事 ⑴ 当我妈妈到家,我迫不及待地打开她包。 ⑵他迫不及待的告诉我们这个好消息。 ⑶学生们迫不及待的想去参观故宫。 When my mother gets home, I can’t wait to open her bag. He can’t wait to tell us the good news. The students can’t wait to visit the Palace Museum. Step 5: 难点解析

11 2 、 两个到达 arrive get arrive 是不及物动词,后面跟介词 in 或 at 才能接宾语。 到大地方用 __________, 到小地方用 _____________. arrive in /at + 地方 * 你什么时候到达上海? get 是不及物动词, 后跟宾语用介词 _____.get to+ 地点 注:到这儿 / 那儿 / 到家 到邮局将花你五分钟。 When will you arrive in Shanghai ? get here / there / home It will take you five minutes to get to the post office. in at to

12 Thank you for your listening

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