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What You Don’t Know Won’t Kill You. Darienne Frank & Courtney Roll.

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Presentation on theme: "What You Don’t Know Won’t Kill You. Darienne Frank & Courtney Roll."— Presentation transcript:

1 What You Don’t Know Won’t Kill You. Darienne Frank & Courtney Roll

2 So as you and Nick are walking home you see a giant pulsating door and suddenly you are not with Nick and you hear a deep voice. “Hello Alice, I am the mastermind. You have crossed my path and entered into my world. Make your choice.”

3 You choose to save Nicks life why not let him take care of all your 8 children; after all you went through child birth.

4 Choice 1: Alice, do you save yourself and make it out alive?Choice 1: Alice, do you save yourself and make it out alive? Choice 2: Do you spare Nick’s life, but suffer through torture forever?Choice 2: Do you spare Nick’s life, but suffer through torture forever? As you ponder this you hear Nick’s desperate call. This makes you think faster you don’t exactly love him but………

5 So you choose to save your self and all of a sudden you hear the screams increase and the dark voice says that the torture is that Nick will be skinned alive.

6 So as your torture is commenced you begin to see a giant sickly pink room with a lot of fluffy stupid girly stuff. As you get closer to the room you hear the backstreet boys singing.

7 So as Nicks screaming grows louder you are getting very worried may be you shouldn’t have saved yourself, you think that you should be in his place but it is too late now that the torture has commenced.

8 The dark voice says that nick has been let go but you will no be tortured to the fullest extent possible, but there is a twist you get to choose what will be done to you.

9 Option 1: Be brainwashed by the TV show Paris Hiltons my new B.F.FOption 1: Be brainwashed by the TV show Paris Hiltons my new B.F.F Or Option 2: listen to the same stupid joke repeatedlyOption 2: listen to the same stupid joke repeatedly

10 So you choose option 1, because you hated Nick’s stupid jokes any way. Now you are waiting for the deep voice and instead you see Paris Hilton walk in oh my god it was worse then you thought. Then the deep voice gives you two more options

11 You choose to confront the Mastermind. You are very fearful when you approach him but the choices he gives you are to Option one : start over since you are weak Or Option two : go and save nick.

12 Option 1: continue previous torture Or Option 2: listen to a new offerOption 2: listen to a new offer

13 You choose the new offer. The strange voice tells you that you can either get a root cannel without Novocain or you can listen to the Elmo’s world theme song for a week straight.

14 You choose the root cannel and you get two new choices. Choice One: You can try to find your way out alone Choice Two: You can confront the Mastermind

15 You choose the Theme Song and after that you must do the wiggle dance for 24 hours straight. You loose 30 pounds but you break your hip. Upon breaking your hip you are offered two new choices. Choice One: You can try to find your way out alone Choice Two: You can confront the Mastermind

16 You choose to try finding your way out (with or without a broken hip). You find yourself in a dimly lit tunnel. You walk for a ways until you come to a “Fork in the Road” Which do you choose? Left or Right?LeftRight

17 You choose to try finding your way out (with or without a broken hip). You find yourself in a dimly lit tunnel. You walk for a ways until you come to a “Fork in the Road” Which do you choose? Left or Right?

18 You choose left. Just as you make your move to continue your journey left you suddenly feel yourself falling… Oh my god so now you see all of your life flash before your eyes and you are suddenly awake wow that was a horrible dream.

19 You choose Right. And you wake up in a casket you were buried alive this cant be happening but it did you will die.

20 you should have never went for the walk But the mastermind is saying that since he is a god he will make the choice to keep you alive.

21 So now is the one time you spare a thought about nick he is safe Where is he now?

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