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1900.4 WG Status Report Masayuki Ariyoshi – WG Chair IEEE DySPAN Standards Committee General Meeting 12-14 December 2011 Scottsdale, AZ.

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Presentation on theme: "1900.4 WG Status Report Masayuki Ariyoshi – WG Chair IEEE DySPAN Standards Committee General Meeting 12-14 December 2011 Scottsdale, AZ."— Presentation transcript:

1 1900.4 WG Status Report Masayuki Ariyoshi – WG Chair IEEE DySPAN Standards Committee General Meeting 12-14 December 2011 Scottsdale, AZ

2 2 Projects in 1900.4 WG P1900.4a: Standard for architectural building blocks enabling network-device distributed decision making for optimised radio resource usage in heterogeneous wireless access networks – amendment: architecture and interfaces for dynamic spectrum access networks in white space frequency bands –Initial sponsor ballot: 02/2011 –Submittal to RevCom: 09/2011 P1900.4.1: Standard for interfaces and protocols enabling distributed decision making for optimised radio resource usage in heterogeneous wireless networks –Initial sponsor ballot: 02/2011 –Submittal to RevCom: 09/2011

3 3 WG Status: Progress after June 2011 Meeting P1900.4a: Project successfully completed as IEEE Std 1900.4a-2011 was published on 16th September 2011 A press release was issued from IEEE SA on 9th November P1900.4.1: A few updates were made on interfaces for NRM-OSM and NRM- RMC: the draft has been revised as D0.5 accordingly Less active since June with decreased voting entities Way forward is discussed: –Get more stakeholders (vendors/operators) involved –Narrow down the focus of functionality Administrative: Document handling: update access control for private documents according to SA guideline Teleconferencing facilities for F2F meetings

4 4 Meeting Schedule PhC: –24th Jan 2012: 0500 (ET); 1100 (CET); 1900 (JST) –21st Feb 2012: 0500 (ET); 1200 (CET); 1900 (JST) F2F: –26th-29th March 2012 in Osaka, Japan (with DySPAN Plenary)

5 5 Thank you!

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