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2 JOHN WHAT IS TRUTH? I.INTRODUCTION A.Let me ask a question: 1. Can you distinguish fake from the real?

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Presentation on theme: "2 JOHN WHAT IS TRUTH? I.INTRODUCTION A.Let me ask a question: 1. Can you distinguish fake from the real?"— Presentation transcript:

1 2 JOHN WHAT IS TRUTH? I.INTRODUCTION A.Let me ask a question: 1. Can you distinguish fake from the real?

2 2. I like science fiction. a) Liked almost every Star Trek. b) Like Stargate. c) Have seen every Star Wars movie. d) Huddle around the TV watching the X-Files! (1) They are ALL fiction they ARE NOT REAL.

3 3. Ever watched one that seemed so real you were depressed or frightened? a) Few are relaxing to my wife! b) Remind her it is just TV or a movie. (1) Ben from “Lost” is not really a psychopath

4 (2) Jack is probably just a normal guy! 4. On Halloween 1938 – “Mercury Theater” announcing a Martian invasion. a) People were terrified. (1) H. G. Wells’ classic “War of the Worlds”.

5 (a) Not easy to tell the true from the false. (i) Imitation jewelry, stunt-doubles, fake nails, fake hair... (a) What is “real” harder to determine. (b) Never been a more needful time to know what truth is!

6 II.2JOHN 1:1-3 A.John addresses himself as “The Elder”. 1. In the NFL at 33 you are considered an old man. 2. Writing to the elect lady and her children!

7 B.John uses word “truth” in these 3 verses 4 times! 1. John emphasizes truth more than any other writer. a) Could be truth and love are inseparable? (1) Websters: (2) John 14:6 (a) Jeremiah 17:9

8 (i) Real love cannot be defined outside of God’s Word. (ii) God’s Word not the anchor, it will be a fake. (a) 1John 4:8 (b) Truth without love can be cold. (i) Scribes had truth and not love.

9 (i) Something can be true, but unloving. (ii) If you said…. (a) Liberties can be unloving to others. III.2JOHN 1:4-6 A.John commended the “Elect Lady”!

10 1. Jesus claimed to be the Truth! IV.2JOHN 1:7-11 A.There were those trying to pervert the Truth. 1. John called them “deceivers” and “antichrist”.

11 2. Verses 10-11 a) John calling for separation from the false. b) “fake” = anything that distorts who Jesus is! c) We MUST BE able to tell difference between the Truth and a lie! V.2JOHN 1:12-13

12 VI.CONCLUSION A.Watched any of street magic of Chris Angel or David Blane? 1. Those guys are pretty believable. 2. Show Video:

13 a) How good do you think satan is? b) 2Corinthians 11:14-15 c) Ephesians 6:10-13 d) The Bible makes it clear what Truth is!

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