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Mentor: Nanette Jay Independent Student Mentorship By Maliyat Rahman Spring 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Mentor: Nanette Jay Independent Student Mentorship By Maliyat Rahman Spring 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mentor: Nanette Jay Independent Student Mentorship By Maliyat Rahman Spring 2014

2 Undergraduate- BSN Certified Diabetes Educator Previously worked as a Asthma Case Manager Has published journal articles and book chapters

3 Introduction What is Diabetes?  Different types of diabetes  3 types: Type 1- Juvenile Diabetes Type 2 Gestational Diabetes- During Pregnancy


5 Frequent passing of urine Constant thirst Extreme weight loss Symptoms of type 1 Diabetes What Causes type 1 diabetes?  Inherited gene combination  Development of an allergy against one of its own body parts (pancreas)  Can be from Virus or Chemical cause

6 Symptoms of type 2 diabetes Frequent drinking of liquids Frequent urination Infection Sores that heal slowly No Energy What Causes type 2 diabetes?  Over weight/Obesiety  Insulin does not produce enough insulin  ……

7  Good Diet  Exercise (every day)  A1C level  Blood sugar level  must check 4 or more times in a day  Give insulin with meals (Bolus)


9 Explain what AIC is What is the healthy range How often is it checked

10  Rapid-Action  Humalog  NovoLog  Apidra  And Regular  Intermediate-Action  NPH  Long-Action  Lantus (insulin glargine)  Levemir (insulin determir)

11 Due to new technological advancements, it is now easier to control diabetes and diabetics have choices…

12 Board or poster with Pro’s and Con’s of each method: Pump, Pen, Injections

13 Insulin was the first protein ever to have its sequence determined Insulin is required for all animal life, and it works just about the same in nematode worms, fish and mammals like humans. Most people prefer to use pump Too little or too mush insulin can be cause of death; it is one of the most deadliest drug that American hospital carries.

14  Pictures from:  Information's from: Chase, H. Peter. A First Book for Understanding Diabetes. Denver, CO: Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes, U of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 2004. Print. Hobson, Katherine. "If Diets Don't Work, What's the Solution to Obesity in America?"US News. U.S.News & World Report, 5 Mar. 2009. Web. 04 Apr. 2014. Tate, Nick. "Diabetes Insulin Pumps Better Than Injections." Newsmax 19 Aug. 2013. General OneFile. Web. 7 Apr. 2014.

15  Mrs. Click &  Mrs. Nanette

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