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Do Now Hand in “The Giving Tree” introduction paragraph & any other work for the first marking period PLEASE make sure your name clearly appears on EVERYTHING.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Hand in “The Giving Tree” introduction paragraph & any other work for the first marking period PLEASE make sure your name clearly appears on EVERYTHING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Hand in “The Giving Tree” introduction paragraph & any other work for the first marking period PLEASE make sure your name clearly appears on EVERYTHING It’s November, which means that Thanksgiving is coming. Let’s take some time to reflect on what we’re thankful for. In your writing notebook, write down what you’re most grateful for in life and why.

2 Gratitude Assignment Write one meaningful paragraph that explains what you are most grateful for and why Should be detailed, honest, and personal At least 6-8 well-developed sentences Typed or written NEATLY in black ink Name should also appear somewhere on the front of the page “Wall of Gratitude” in the front lobby *Due: Weds, 11/18 so that I can revise/edit them. If any changes/corrections must be made, fix them and submit the final paragraph on Fri, 11/20.

3 Example I am most grateful for my boyfriend, my best friend, and my partner in every sense of the word, Anthony. The rest of this list would be dull and gray without him. I am grateful for all of the seasons and the different sights and smells and images they bring. I am grateful for my favorite songs and books and music and the way that they can take my mind to places that I can’t reach on my own. I am grateful for that moment when I finally lay down and close my eyes after feeling sleepy all day long. I could honestly go on and on. When I take the time to notice it, I really do love my life and there are endless things that I have to thank for that.

4 “Is Technology Killing Our Friendships?” Do this individually on a clean sheet of paper… Come up with at least three PROS (reasons why technology IS killing our friendships) and three CONS (reasons why technology IS NOT killing our friendships) You can use reasons from the article, but you should also think of your own, original reasons

5 Sit with your side of the debate… Share pros/cons. Make sure everyone on your team has a chance to share his or her ideas. As a team, compile a list of your STRONGEST reasons. Then, decide what the opposition’s STRONGEST reasons are. As a team, decide how you will defend yourselves against these reasons.

6 Debate Structure *Take notes while the other side is speaking so that you remember all of their points when it is your turn to respond. EVERYONE in the group must speak/participate during the debate. PRO opening statement (2 mins) CON opening statement (2 mins) *opposition may NOT comment during opening statements CON leads questioning/rebuttal of PROS (5 mins) PRO leads questioning/rebuttal of CONS (5 mins) *you can and should respond to the opposition during this section, but the questioners are in control of the conversation PRO closing remarks (1 min) CON closing remarks (1 min) *opposition may NOT comment during closing remarks

7 Scoring? I will mark down valid reasons presented by each side. Each reason is worth one point. If the opposition strongly defends themselves against a reason, I will cross that reason off (removing the point) Whichever team has the most points at the end will be the winner. *Please submit all debate notes at the end of class. Your original reasons PRO and CON Ways to defend yourself against opposition’s reasons Notes taken during the debate I will also keep track of your participation during the debate. Make sure you speak at least once!

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