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Pursuing Family Ministry. Pursing Family Ministry Ministering to unsaved loved ones Friends and family The fulfillment of seeing them come to Christ Seeking.

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Presentation on theme: "Pursuing Family Ministry. Pursing Family Ministry Ministering to unsaved loved ones Friends and family The fulfillment of seeing them come to Christ Seeking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pursuing Family Ministry

2 Pursing Family Ministry Ministering to unsaved loved ones Friends and family The fulfillment of seeing them come to Christ Seeking opportunities to be a source of encouragement, blessing, counsel, provide practical needs, or acts of kindness

3 Family is Ministry The very heart of ministry and evangelism The most effective spread of the Gospel Children naturally cross barriers which parents find daunting, they naturally witness Christian families are magnetic, people notice there is a difference in the family unit Parenthood opens people to spiritual realities How do we more effective minister through family

4 Keep an Open House Sometimes inconvenient, sometimes disruptive Benefits will far out weigh inconvenience Hospitality will increase influence 1 Timothy 3:2 …ready to welcome guests An open house builds the body of Christ

5 Like Your Children’s Friends Be sincere and never patronizing, show them some respect Cherish children and you will have opportunity to minister to them and their parents. People appreciate what you do for their children provided you respect boundaries.

6 Pray for other people’s children Open your heart to those who need to see the heart of God Pray regularly for your children’s friends and pray with your children for both them and their friends Model a sense of community Make yourself available to minister to others

7 Be a Source of Neighborhood Fun Model a Christian family as happy and life affirming Pool Parties, backyard campfires and BBQs, wacky Olympics, summer break fun days, game nights, Birthday parties, Easter Egg Hunts, camping trips, trips to the beach, sliding, skating, Treasure Hunts

8 Be kind to your Neighbors The key to hearts Colossians 3:14 “And beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.” Love is manifested in acts of kindness Minster to their physical need and you will have opportunity to minister to their spiritual need

9 Become involved in the Community If you want to witness to people outside your church you must find time to spend with people outside the church Coaching, sports teams, play groups, school, library, community center events, your children’s friends, their parents, extended family (cousins), and co-workers

10 The Benefits Serving together as a family- helping the neighbor paint the fence Fellowship- eat with the sinners, the tax collectors, and the prostitutes- Christ did! Learn boldness to evangelize from your children Practicing a worshipful lifestyle- what you have done for the least of these brothers of His, you have done to Him.

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