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Welcome to Coosada Elementary School. Introductions Principal – Susanne Goodin Music Teacher – Melissa Galanopoulos Kindergarten Teacher – Miss Holder.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Coosada Elementary School. Introductions Principal – Susanne Goodin Music Teacher – Melissa Galanopoulos Kindergarten Teacher – Miss Holder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Coosada Elementary School

2 Introductions Principal – Susanne Goodin Music Teacher – Melissa Galanopoulos Kindergarten Teacher – Miss Holder Kindergarten Teacher – Tanya Boone Assistant Principal – Calandra Crenshaw 2

3 Kindergarten Readiness Can your child? Tie their shoes Tell us verbally their name Write their name Letter Names/Sounds Read words in their environment

4 What will my child learn in Kindergarten? All letter names and letter sounds High Frequency words Shapes Colors and color words Counting to 100 by 1’s, 5’s, and 10’s Counting objects up to 20 Comparing numbers and sorting object Recognize numbers and write numbers to 20 Blending words for beginning reading Write sentences correctly

5 Our Day Children may enter the building at 7:20 AM Tardy bell rings at 7:40 AM Reading will be a 90 minute block daily Math will be a 60 minute block daily Children will have PE for 35 minutes and a 15 minute recess daily Lunch will be 25 minutes and a 15 minute snack daily Children will be released for car riders and buses at 2:40 PM Children may not be left on the campus after 3:05 PM or before 7:15 AM. We do not have staff to supervise children during these times. 5

6 Example Kindergarten Daily Schedule 8:00-8:30 Math Calendar 8:30-9:10 PE 9:10-9:20 Bathroom Break 9:20-9:50 Whole group Reading lesson (Social Science topics incorporated into Reading lessons daily) 9:50-10:50 Small group Reading lesson 10:51-11:16 Lunch 11:16-11:30 Bathroom Break 11:30-12:15 Math lesson and skill 12:15-12:30 Recess Break 12:30-1:30 Writing/Social Centers 1:30-2:00 Rest Time 2:00-2:20 Snack 2:20-2:30 Prepare to release 6

7 How will my child be assessed? *Progress Reports are sent home every four weeks *Report cards are sent home every nine weeks *DIBELS testing three times per year

8 What are the school rules? When students follow the school rules they earn GOTCHAS and get to attend the Gotcha Party! Respect Yourself Respect Others Respect Property

9 Minor Behavior Incidents Students receive minor behaviors when they do not follow the school rules. If a child receives a minor behavior it takes away one gotcha.

10 Lunch and Snack Students may bring lunch from home or purchase lunch in the cafeteria. It is against federal guidelines to bring carbonated drinks or fast food into a school cafeteria. Please only allow your child to bring food from home. Lunch checks for the week should only be sent on Mondays and Tuesdays. Please help your child learn his or her lunch number. We offer breakfast every morning from 7:15-7:35 AM. Students may bring snack from home or purchase it from the school. Snack is $.50 and juice is $.50. Please only send money for snack DAILY, and separate from lunch money. If your child must follow a special diet for medical reasons, please contact the office.

11 Classroom Supplies Please label only scissors and paint. Other consumable supplies are used as needed, community style in many classrooms. Individual teachers may request additional supplies OR not need some items from this standardized list, based on classroom projects/needs. As well, children need a labeled nap towel, a labeled bookbag (no wheels), a pack of 3 or more Youth Large T-shirts for holiday shirt painting (please do get large; these shrink in the dye process). Thank you for your generosity in making K an unforgettable year for your child! :-) Steno book – 3, spiral-bound at the top and flip-style #2 pre-sharpened pencils – 24 natural and no paint Set of washable Crayola markers – Wide tip – 1 8ct small Crayola crayons – 1 pack 24 ct Crayola crayons – 4 packs 4 oz. Elmer’s school glue – 2 9 X 12 50 CT. Asst. Construction Paper – 1 Xerographic white paper ream –2 Ream of colored paper- 1 Colored plastic pocket & brad folders – 2--one red, one blue Blunt 5” Fiskar scissors – 1 4 ct. color Expo fine tip dry erase markers – 2 Glue sticks- 8 large and 8 small Crayola watercolor paints Supply box Germ X sanitizer- 2 bottles Paper towels- 4 rolls Lysol wipes-1 or 2 Kleenex tissues- 2 Baby wipes- 1 container Band-aids- 1 box

12 Staggered Beginning for Kindergarten August 4- 1/3 of the class will begin August 5 th – a different 1/3 will begin August 6 th - a different 1/3 will begin August 7 th – all children attend school All students will report to class on August 7th. The teacher will contact you before the start of school to let you know when your child’s first day will be.

13 Student Attendance/School Funding Schools are funded based on the number of students that attend the first 40days of school. It is very important that the students attend school. Alabama Law places the responsibility for regular attendance upon the parent/guardian. If a student is absent a written note must be sent within three days after the student returns to school. The complete attendance law including excused and unexcused absences is located in our Elmore County Code of Conduct (pages 7-8). A copy of this book is distributed to every parent the first week of school.

14 Car Rider/Bus Rider Procedures Please follow these instructions very carefully. These procedures are maintained to ensure the safety of our children. Car riders should be dropped off between 7:15 AM and 7:40 AM. Car riders are released in the afternoon at 2:40 PM. Bus riders are loaded at 2:30 PM, therefore we can not accept changes to transportation or check outs past 2:00 PM. If you MUST change the way your child gets home, then please send a written note to the classroom teacher. If a change occurs during the day please fax the note to 285-9231. Phone calls will not be accepted to change transportation. All students should be picked up from the campus by 3:00 PM. All bus and car procedures will be listed in our Coosada Elementary School handbook that is distributed at the beginning of the school year. Please follow these instructions very carefully. These procedures are maintained to ensure the safety of our children. Car riders should be dropped off between 7:20 AM and 7:40 AM. Car riders are released in the afternoon at 2:40 PM. Bus riders are loaded at 2:30 PM, therefore we can not accept changes to transportation or check outs past 2:00 PM. If you MUST change the way your child gets home, then please send a written note to the classroom teacher. If a change occurs during the day please fax the note to 285-9231. Phone calls will not be accepted to change transportation. All students should be picked up from the campus by 3:00 PM. All bus and car procedures will be listed in our Coosada Elementary School handbook that is distributed at the beginning of the school year.

15 Open House July 31 st 1:00-6:00 Your child’s teacher will contact you by July 28 th

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