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Integrated Modeling for Burning Plasmas Workshop (W60) on “Burning Plasma Physics and Simulation 4-5 July 2005, University Campus, Tarragona, Spain Under.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Modeling for Burning Plasmas Workshop (W60) on “Burning Plasma Physics and Simulation 4-5 July 2005, University Campus, Tarragona, Spain Under."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Modeling for Burning Plasmas Workshop (W60) on “Burning Plasma Physics and Simulation 4-5 July 2005, University Campus, Tarragona, Spain Under the Auspices of the IEA Large Tokamak Implementing Agreement Introduction to the Session S. C. Jardin Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

2 Integrated Modeling for Burning Plasmas Review progress towards a comprehensive theory/model for burning plasmas in ITER/DEMO - including -  -particle distributions in velocity and space and  -heating Burning plasmas in optimized shear/hybrid scenarios, dynamic evolution and positional stability of ITBs, current profile alignment including bootstrap current evolution Transient and bifurcative phenomena in burning plasmas (dynamics of L-H transitions and edge-core coupling, ITB formation and evolution, thermal stability in optimized shear/hybrid scenarios, including the approach to burning conditions with additional heating) Impurity and helium ash accumulation (including impurity penetration through SOL, ETB and ITB) More speculative issues, such as  -channelling - Session topics -

3 Progress towards a comprehensive theory/model for burning plasmas in ITER/DEMO Whole Device Modeling Codes Extended MHD and Energetic Particles Turbulence Simulations Edge-Plasma Integrated Modeling RF, NBI,  -particle, Impurities, and Fueling Sources

4 1½D Whole Device Modeling Code Transport Module MHD Module  -particle Module Edge Module RF Modules Equilibrium Module What do we mean by a comprehensive theory/model for burning plasmas in ITER/DEMO? 5D Gyrokinetics Code 3D Extended MHD Code Full Wave RF Code … 5D Gyrokinetics Code 3D Extended MHD Code Full Wave RF Code 3D Extended MHD Code + +

5 Whole Device Modeling Codes Integrated Modeling: Detailed TSC/TRANSP transport and H&CD modeling and comparison with existing experimental details Kessel Integrated TSC/TRANSP used to predict rotation, q-control, TAE activity, transport levels, NI-NBI sensitivity to aiming angle, ash accumulation, sensitivity to pedestal temperature: postprocess TAE prediction, Turbulence modeling with GYRO Budny New initiatives now planned or underway Japan: BPSI: ( TASK, TOPICS ) EU: JET initiative (ASTRA, CRONOS, JETTO), Integrated Modeling Task Force US: NTCC (modules library), PTRANSP (TSC/TRANSP + …), FSP (not yet begun) – (also BALDUR, ONETWO, CORSICA) Need for more sophisticated modules in most areas Turbulent Transport Extended MHD and energetic particle effects Scrape-off-layer, ELMs, and pedestal

6 Extended MHD and energetic Particles Integrated Modeling: MHD-based ELM model (MARG2D) coupled into TOPICs system Ozeki Need to further develop 3D Nonlinear Extended MHD codes and validate on existing experiments. Sawtooth: Full 3D nonlinear sawtooth simulation now possible for small tokamaks, not yet for ITER. Good semi-analytical models available (Porcelli model) ELMs: Some progress (BOUT-Snyder, JOREK-Huysmans, NIMROD-Brennan, M3D-Strauss) Not yet a full 3D ELM simulation for even small tokamaks. Good semi-analytical models being developed. NTMs: Not yet a full 3D NTM simulation. Modified Rutherford equation (semi-analytical) models widely used. Resistive Wall Modes: Not yet a full 3D nonlinear model. Locked Mode Threshold: Not yet a fundamental model TAE: 3D Hybrid particle/fluid simulation model possible for short times and weakly nonlinear behavior…full nonlinear integration with thermal particles not yet possible. Disruption Modeling: Axisymmetric modeling in fairly good shape, 3D modeling just beginning

7 Turbulence Simulations Integrated Modeling: Gyrokinetic Turbulence  MHD, Wave Heating, Plasma Edge Lee Focus is presently on core turbulence: ITG, ETG, ITG/ETG coupling, finite beta effects, transition from Bohm to gyro-Bohm, turbulence spreading need to develop long-time (transport timescale) predictive simulation capability turbulence and neoclassical simulation integration mechanisms for transport barrier formation pedestal region and core-edge simulation integration how to couple with whole-device-modeling codes impurities and helium ash transport

8 Edge-Plasma Integrated Modeling Integrated Modeling: Compatibility between impurity injection for a high edge radiation fraction and core fusion physics (confinement and fusion power) Takenaga Integration of core, edge, PSI codes: neutrals, atomic physics, wall interaction, turbulence, transport, drifts, neoclassical effects Coster Static and dynamic (with ELMs) semi-emperical pedestal models coupled to core transport: DIII-D, JET, and simulations for burning plasmas Kritz Full 3D predictive edge model is lacking Numerous edge codes exist to provide qualitative understanding and quantitative results for specific phenomena edge transport: CSD, SONIC, UEDGE, … kinetic edge turbulence: PARASOL, … collisional edge turbulence: BOUT, … Many issues remain: L-H transition and pedestal physics nonlinear ELM crash, transport, and pedestal recovery density limit material erosion including redeposition and dust formation impurity transport

9 RF, NBI,  -particle, and fueling Sources Integrated Modeling: ICRH wave field  distribution function , MHD Hellsten Interaction of  -particles with LH by coupling SPOT and DELPHINE in CRONOS framework Schneider RF   -particles  ion distribution function Fisch Comprehensive suites of RF and neutral beam codes exist Integrated computations between full-wave ICRF and FP solvers are underway, but not yet in routine use Integrated modeling that combines advanced ICRF antenna modules with full-wave solvers are underway RF and NB source modules have been combined with WDM codes, but generally not the most advanced RF packages. RF/FP Codes need to be coupled to MHD codes in order to simulate instability control Modeling of Mode Conversion physics in ITER scale plasma not yet possible

10 Schedule 12:10N. FischPPPL A Hot-ion-Mode RF-Driven Tokamak via Alpha Channeling 12:30H. TakenagaJAERI Impurity injection Scenario in a Burning Plasma 12:50T. HellstenStockh. Integrated modeling of ICRH and AE Dynamics 13:10W. LeePPPL Integrated Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation of Fusion Plasmas 8:30C. KesselPPPL Integrated modeling of ITER and FIRE with TSC and TRANSP 8:50D. CosterIPP Burning Plasma Simulations: Edge Issues 9:10A.KritzLehigh Prediction of H-mode pedestal and ELMs and the Performance of Burning Plasma Experiments 9:30T. OzekiJAERI Integrated simulation code for burning plasma analysis 9:50M. Schneider CEA Integration of the SPOT code into CRONOS for Burning Plasma Studies 10:10R. BudnyPPPL Time-Dependent integrated modeling of ITER plasmas 10:30all Discussion and Summary

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