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 Current events (written)  Write Malaak feature in lab this week COM 210 College of Communication & Media Sciences Week Seven, Second Day (Lab)

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Presentation on theme: " Current events (written)  Write Malaak feature in lab this week COM 210 College of Communication & Media Sciences Week Seven, Second Day (Lab)"— Presentation transcript:

1  Current events (written)  Write Malaak feature in lab this week COM 210 College of Communication & Media Sciences Week Seven, Second Day (Lab)

2 Quote of the day “Writing is about learning to pay attention and to communicate what is going on.” – Anne Lamott

3 Breast Cancer Awareness Day  Donate after class at the SPJ booth in the Promenade

4 Journalism Day  Saturday from 8:30 a.m. until 2:10 p.m. at American Community School  Speakers from CNN, Sky News Arabia, Tempo magazine, ZU communication faculty  Free food and T-shirts  25 extra credit points for attending

5 Transcript Find three to five exceptional quotes These will be sound bytes that stand out and will appear in your story

6 Focus PR as a career Education Side business: medical center Logistics: Getting approval Obstacles: Bias against her by women in the bureaucracy; was a business student and switched to communication Achievement: Rose quickly at Abu Dhabi Marine Starts: Took job at ADM as soon as she finished ZU; immediately worked hard to move up the ladder

7 Story example Malaak Al-Ajami is grateful for her education. The Zayed University graduate has quickly risen in her first job as a professional at Abu Dhabi Marine. “When you hold the bachelor’s degree from ZU, you are more than most welcome because they know that you are good in English,” she said.

8 Story example, nut graph … Miss Al-Ajami spoke to communication students during an interview on Sept. 28 at ZU in Abu Dhabi about her career.

9 Writing tips Show don’t tell: Action, words, thoughts, prayers Clarity The right word, the right phrase Use metaphor/simile where opportunities present themselves, but don’t overdo the imagery Rhythm and pacing The right word

10 Bad starts Not focused Fails to engage Cliché-ridden Doesn’t set the context No sense of place States the obvious Uses quotes that do not advance the story

11 The story Soft lead First quote Nut graph (why you are telling the story: who+what+when+where+how) Transition Second quote Supporting information Third quote

12 Mechanics Five, not 5 23 (age) Malaak Al-Ajami Miss Al-Ajami on second reference Alumna Etihad Towers Abu Dhabi Marine ADMA-OPCO on second reference Corporate Social Responsibility CSR COM 200 ADNEC (OK on first reference0

13 The story What should go in your nut grapjh? Where should it go?

14 Mechanics Be careful with spelling of all names and name-places Quotation (attribution) form must be precise

15 The story What vital information must be in your story?

16 Visit our website early and often: Class website

17 For Sunday Current events Bring you camera Read pp. 39-40 of Rich

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