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List 1 Unit V Vocabulary. Detest  to greatly dislike or loathe  Lisa detests Brussels sprouts.

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Presentation on theme: "List 1 Unit V Vocabulary. Detest  to greatly dislike or loathe  Lisa detests Brussels sprouts."— Presentation transcript:

1 List 1 Unit V Vocabulary

2 Detest  to greatly dislike or loathe  Lisa detests Brussels sprouts.

3  a ghostlike or nearly invisible appearance  The strange glow in the sky was no supernatural apparition: it was a collection of gases called a Ghost Nebula. Apparition

4 Bough  tree branch  Each bough of our Christmas tree was adorned with gold and red ornaments.

5 Tedious  tiresome because of length; boring  Many household chores, such as washing windows, are tedious.

6 Presume  to expect something without justification; to take for granted  One should not presume that deserts are lifeless, as the Desert Fox lives among vegetation in the wilderness of India.

7 Digress  to depart from the main subject; to ramble  As the conversation dragged on, the museum guide began to digress and talk about local cafés instead of Monet’s art.

8 Malinger  to pretend incapacity or illness to avoid work  My teacher must really be ill if she is absent today because she is not one to malinger.

9 Deferential  yielding to someone else’s opinions or wishes  The deferential attitudes of the bellman and all the other staff members made my stay at the luxury hotel very enjoyable.

10  My weakness is brownies, while my husband prefers glazed donuts.  covered with a smooth, glossy coating Glazed

11 Pepper  to shower with small objects  Donna’s face is peppered with freckles.

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